Anxiety leads to nervousness, which leads to mistakes, which leads to embarrassment, which leads to ineffective speech, which lowers self-esteem. What makes you this way? You are not properly Prepared. Your material is not sensibly Organized. You do not know the techniques to Present successfully. You do not have a clue how to Improve. Put the bold-faced capital letters together, and you have my exclusive POPI (pronounced Popeye) method. Here are other exclusives in the book: BROWN'S BROMIDES (take any two and call him in the morning). Formula 10-10-80.
PA/PAT Systems. Tailored Talk. Brown practices what he preaches, and preaches what he practices. Theory becomes practicality. He shows how speaking/presenting can be measured in bottom line financial terms, an approach you will be hard-pressed to find elsewhere. Will this book work for you? There are no guarantees. You do not have to be perfect to be effective. But, if you learn even just a few ways to improve - or even brush up - your return on the investment in this book pays off plenty.
Use this book for yourself. Give a copy to a colleague as a present. It makes an ideal adjunct for trainers and teachers, or as a supplement to a formal text book. And, it will be available at seminars/workshops.