Abbreviations and Symbols Preface and acknowledgements 1. General introduction 2. Main objective 3. Intended readership 4. Object of description 5. Organization of the material 6. History of the project and future prospects 7. Acknowledgements Introduction 1.
Adpositions: characteristics and classification 1.1 Characterization of the category adposition 1.2 A formal classification of adpositional phrases 1.3 A semantic classification of adpositional phrases 1.4 Borderline cases 1.5 Bibliographical notes 2. Projection of adpositional phrases: Complementation 2.1 Nominal complements 2.
2 Adpositional complements 2.3 Adjectival complements 2.4 Clausal complements 2.5 Absolute PPs 2.6 Bibliographical notes 3. Projection of adpositional phrases: Modification 3.1 Spatial adpositional phrases 3.2 Temporal adpositional phrases 3.
3 Non-spatial/temporal adpositional phrases 3.4 Comparative/superlative formation 3.5 Some ambiguous constructions 3.6 Bibliographical note 4. Syntactic uses of the adpositional phrase 4.1 Adpositional phrases used as arguments 4.2 Predicative use of adpositional phrases 4.3 Attributive use of adpositional phrases 4.
4 Adverbial use of adpositional phrases 4.5 Bibliographical notes 5. R-pronominalization and R-words 5.1 [-HUMAN] restriction on the formation of pronominal PPs 5.2 Lexical restrictions on the formation of pronominal PPs 5.3 Syntactic restrictions on R-extraction 5.4 Idiomatic pronominal PPs 5.5 Appendix: The syntax of R-words 5.
6 Bibliographical notes Glossary Subject Index References.