1. Personality and Personality Psychology. What Is Personality? What''s Ahead in This Book? 2. Personality Measurement. Correlation and Experimentation. Understanding Correlation. Cause and Correlation. The Need for Measurement.
Reliability. Validity. Threats to Validity. Social Desirability. Varieties of Personalities Measures. BFT. The Big Five Test. 3.
From Words to Traits: The Nature of Dispositions. Traits and Dispositions. Are Traits Mythical? Situational Specificity. The Principle of Aggregation. Does Aggregation Solve the Situation-versus-Trait Debate? Person-Situation Patterning. When Traits Predict Behavior. Cross-Situational Aggregates. Longitudinal Continuity.
Stability and Change in Adult Personality. 4. The Big Five: Are We Finished? The Lexical Hypothesis. Organizing the Lexicon. Factor Analysis. What Do We Know About the Big Five? Beyond the Big Five. 5. Genetic and Environmental Influences.
The Concept of Heritability. Methodological Issues in the Study of Genetic and Environmental Research. Types Of Genetic and Environmental Influences. Results of Twin and Family Studies: Personality Traits. Results of Twin and Adoption Studies: Attitudes. Results of Twin and Adoption Studies: Intelligence. Intelligence and Personality Compared. Do Parents Influence Personality and Intelligence? Implications of Research on Genetic and Environmental Influences.
The Future. 6. Personality and the Brain. Direct and Indirect Biological Influences. Studying Biological Contributions to Personality. Is a Biological Role in Personality Plausible? Extraversion. Neuroticism. Hemispheric Asymmetry and Individual Differences in Emotions.
Temperament in Childhood. Change and Stability in Temperament. Childhood Temperament and Adult Personality. Environment and Biology in Temperament. Gender Differences. 7. Personality and Evolution. Individuality and Human Nature.
What Is Evolutionary Psychology? The Nature of Human Nature. "Why?" Questions. How Evolution Works. Why Is Sugar Sweet? The Concept of Fitness. Sexual Selection. Testing Evolutionary Hypotheses: Sex Differences in the Psychology of Mating. Is It Convincing? Evolutionary Analysis of Jealousy. Considerations and Caveats.
Gender Differences and Similarities. Science and Politics. 8. Motives and Goals. Expectancy-Value Theory. What Are People''s Motives? Freud''s Theory of Motivation. Henry Murray. Contemporary Research on Needs.
Motive Incentives. Achievement Motivation. Implicit and Self-attributed Motives. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation. Power Motivation. Affiliation and Intimacy Motives. Content Analysis of Archival Data. Goals.
Personal Strivings. Life Tasks. Motives, Goals, and Traits. 9. Unconscious Processes. Acts and Reasons: Can We Explain Why We Do What We Do? Responses and Awareness. Conscious and Unconscious Processes Compared. The Unconscious and Personality.
Conclusion. 10. Cognitive Form. Intelligence as a Dimension of Personality. The Social Relevance of Intelligence. 11. Our Thoughts, Our Feelings, Our Selves. Self-Esteem.
Attributions. Self-efficacy. Self- consciousness. The Self in the Social Context. Cognition and Affect. Concluding Thoughts. 12. Applications.
Personality and Therapy. Personality and Work. Personality and Health. 13. Conclusion: Personality in the Twenty-First Century. Biological Integration. Cross- method Integrations. Conclusion.
Glossary. References. Author Index. Subject Index.