Handbook of Scales for Research in Crime and Delinquency
Handbook of Scales for Research in Crime and Delinquency
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Author(s): Brodsky, Stanley L.
ISBN No.: 9781461333029
Pages: xxv, 615
Year: 201305
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 77.09
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

1 Scale Needs and Utilization.- 2 Search and Selection of Scales for Review.- 3 Using This Handbook.- 4 Ethical Issues and the Protection of Human Subjects.- 5 MMPI and CPI Special Scales.- 6 Law Enforcement and Police.- Law Enforcement Attitude Scales: Reviews.- Attitudes toward Police (Competence-Hostility).

- Attitude toward Police (Semantic Differential and Likert Formats).- Attitude toward Police Questionnaire.- Law Enforcement Perception Questionnaire.- Perceptions of Police Scales.- Prisoners'' Attitude Scales.- Law Enforcement Attitude Scales: Listings.- Attitudes toward the Criminal Justice System.- Attitudes toward Law Enforcement.

- Attitudes toward Police.- Attitudes toward Police.- Attitude toward the Police.- Attitudes toward the Police.- Police Community-Relations Interview.- Police Opinion of Work Questionnaire.- Police Perspectives and Behaviors in a Campus Disturbance.- Portune Attitude-toward-Police Scale.

- Law Enforcement Behavior Ratings: Reviews.- Police-Citizen Interaction Rating Scales.- Law Enforcement Behavior Ratings: Listings.- Client Telephone Questionnaire.- Cop Personality Questionnaire.- Performance Rating Systems for Police (Performance Rating Scales).- Police Peer Evaluation Scale.- Police Task Performance Scale.

- Law Enforcement Personality Measures: Reviews.- Cynicism Questionnaire.- Law Enforcement Personality Measures: Listings.- Police Flexibility Measurement.- Police Job Stress Interview.- Law Enforcement Milieu Ratings: Listings.- Professionalization Assessment for Police Organizations.- Law Enforcement Prediction: Reviews.

- Clues Test.- Law Enforcement Prediction: Listings.- Public Personnel Association Test (PPA).- Law Enforcement Description: Reviews.- Children''s Perceptions of the Police.- Citizen''s Perception of Police Scale.- Foot Patrolman Observation Test.- Police Task Preference Questionnaire.

- Law Enforcement Description: Listings.- Abbreviated Police Identification Scale.- ADAPT Scale (Arrest Decisions As Preludes To).- Information Handling in Police Decision Making.- Job Analysis and Interest Measurements.- Perceptions of Justice Interview.- Police Image Questionnaire.- Police Isolation Questionnaire.

- Police Prediction of Public Attitudes Questionnaire.- 7 Courts and the Law.- Courts and the Law Attitude Scales: Reviews.- Attitude toward Capital Punishment.- Attitude toward the Law (Martin and McConnell).- Attitude toward the Law Scale (Katz).- Attitude toward Law and Justice Scale: A Sentence-Completion Test.- Capital Punishment Attitude Questionnaire.

- Juvenile Court Volunteer Effectiveness Interview Scale.- Legal Attitudes Questionnaire.- Courts and the Law Attitude Scales: Listings.- Attitudes toward the Law.- Attitudes toward Legal Agencies.- Attitudes toward the Legal System (Thomas, Petersen, and Zingraff).- Attitudes toward the Legal System (Torney).- Attitudes toward Due Process and the Juvenile Court.

- Attitude toward Probation Officers.- Ideological and Law-Abidingness Scales.- Juvenile Justice--What Do You Think?.- Knowledge of Student Rights Scale, Cynicism about the Law and Legal System Scale, Knowledge of the Law in General Scale.- Law Scale.- Courts and the Law Personality Assessment: Reviews.- Competency Screening Test.- Competency to Stand Trial Assessment Instrument.

- Courts and the Law Milieu Ratings: Listings.- Pre-trial Intervention Program Questionnaire.- Courts and the Law Prediction: Listings.- Pre-trial Release Decisions.- Courts and the Law Description: Reviews.- Judicial Role Perception Scale.- Probation Officer-Client Relationship Valence Scale.- Problem Checklist.

- Courts and the Law Description: Listings.- Goal Attainment Scale.- Judicial Roles Questionnaire.- Juvenile Court Role Expectations Questionnaire.- Perception of Stigma Interview Procedure.- Probationer and Volunteer Evaluation Questionnaires.- 8 Corrections.- Corrections Attitude Scales: Reviews.

- Attitudes toward Juvenile Detention.- Institutional Life Questionnaire.- Rehabilitation in Correctional Settings Attitude Scale.- Corrections Attitude Scales: Listings.- Attitude toward the Death Penalty.- Attitudes toward Enforced Group Psychotherapy.- Attitude to Psychiatry Scale.- Attitude toward Punishment of Criminals.

- Parole Officer Punishment and Reintegrative Orientation Questionnaire.- Rehabilitative Value Perception Scale.- Corrections Behavior Ratings: Reviews.- The Prison Adjustment Index.- Recidivism Outcome Index.- Corrections Behavior Ratings: Listings.- Probation Program Ratings.- Work-Release Staff Role Questionnaire.

- Corrections Personality Assessment: Reviews.- Prison Projective Test.- Corrections Personality Assessment: Listings.- Alienation Measure.- Prisoner-Therapist Q-Sort.- Corrections Milieu Ratings: Reviews.- Correctional Institutions Environment Scale.- Prison Profile Inventory.

- Corrections Milieu Ratings: Listings.- Child Care Work Questionnaire.- Classification for Placement in Training Schools.- Group Evaluation Criterion Card Sort.- Index of Perspectives on Institution and Staff.- Institutional Living and Inmate Code Scales.- Response to Incarceration Questionnaire.- Training in Differential Treatment Assessment Instruments.

- Corrections Prediction: Reviews.- Hunch Parolability Scale.- Parolability Questionnaire.- Corrections Prediction: Listings.- Institutional Adjustment Inventory.- Parole Adjustment Scale.- Parole Prediction Procedure with Women Offenders.- Parole Prediction Scale.

- Parole Prediction through Variable Interactions.- Parole Success Attributes.- Postprison Success Prediction.- Recidivism Base Expectancy Scale.- Recidivism Prediction Scale.- Corrections Description: Reviews.- Index of Conformity to Staff Expectations.- Organizational Structure and Prisonization Scale.

- Public Offender Counseling Inventory.- Corrections Description: Listings.- Alternatives to Incarceration Client Questionnaire.- Assessment of I-Level Knowledge.- CJC Questionnaire.- Correctional Officers'' Interest Blank.- Critical Incident Test.- Differential Treatment Pretraining Questionnaires--Trainees'' Supervisor.

- Inmate Questionnaire.- Inmates'' Recreation Activities Checklist.- Inmate Social Role Adaptation Scale.- Institutional Impact Questionnaires.- Interview Rating Questionnaire.- Long-Term Prisoners Interview Schedule.- Parole Decision Instruments.- Parole Decision Making Scale.

- Parole Officer Evaluation of Vocational Rehabilitation Services.- Prerelease Furlough Questionnaire.- Pretraining Questionnaire--Trainee.- Prison Guard Job Perceptions Questionnaire.- Treatment-Custody Conflict Questionnaire.- Values and Sociometric Choices Questionnaire.- 9 Delinquency.- Delinquency Attitude Scales: Reviews.

- Attitudes toward Juvenile Delinquency.- Delinquency Attitude Scales: Listings.- Juvenile Delinquency Attitude Scale.- Delinquency Behavior Ratings: Reviews.- Delinquency Checklist.- Delinquency Questionnaire.- Self-Reported Delinquency Scales (Arnold).- Self-Reported Delinquency Scale (Gibson).

- Self-Reported Delinquency Scales (Nye and Short).- Traits Indicating Attitude Scale.- Violence Scale.- Delinquency Behavior Ratings: Listings.- Delinquent Behavior Interview Schedule.- Group Data Schedule.- Inmate Management Scale.- Institutional Adjustment Index.

- Peer Rating Instrument.- Self-Report Delinquency Questionnaire.- Self-Reported Delinquency Scale.- Self-Reported Delinquent Behavior Questionnaire.- Youngster Behavior Inventory.- Delinquency Personality Assessment: Reviews.- Beverly-Grant Opinion Schedule.- Correctional Staff Evaluation Scale.

- Delinquency Scale (PN Version).- Differential Behavioral Classification System.- Family Information Test.- Future Events Test.- Jesness Inventory.- Miniature Situations Test.- Way It Looks to Me--Self-Concept Inventory.- What Teenagers Think.

- Delinquency Personality Assessment: Listings.- Behavioral Syndromes.- Delinquency Differential Classification System.- Delinquency Scale.- Delinquency Self-Concept Scale.- Delinquency Self-Concept Items.- Foster Parent Preference Survey.- Group Home Parents Interview Schedules.

- How the Future Looks to Me Scale.- Kohlberg Interview.- Parental Attitude Research Instrument.- Psychiatric Data Schedule.- Sentence Completion Test.- Treatment Personnel Inventory.- Value Consensus Scale.- Delinquency Milieu Rating: Listings.

- Attitudes toward School Questionnaire.- Life Functioning Assessment.- Social Climate Questionnaire.- Delinquency Prediction: Reviews.- Integrative Delinquency Scale.- Delinquency Proneness Scale.- Delinquency Prediction: Listings.- Individual Child Fact Sheet and Rating Form.

- KD Checklist.- KD Proneness Scale.- School Interest Inventory.- Student Opinion Survey and Parent Interview Schedule.- Delinquency Description: Reviews.- Behavior Cards.- Comprehensive Miranda Rights Scale.- Inmate Perception of Impact.

- Seriousness of Delinquency Scale.- Teenage Slang Test.- Delinquency Description: Listings.- Approval of Illegal Behaviors Questionnaire.- Characteristics of Youngsters Questionnaire.- Delinquency and Popularity Scale.- Differential Association Questionnaire.- Evaluation of Delinquency Preventative Measure.

- Exposure to Deviance Index.- Family Background and Urban Delinquency Questionnaire.- Family and Peer Group Valuation Scales.- Female Juvenile Recidivism Descriptive Checklist.- Goal Orientations Inventory.- Importance Questionnaire.- Interest and Activities Inventory.- Juvenile Probation Administrative Action Scale.

- Marion County Youth Study Questionnaires.- Potential Cost Scales.- Probation Counselors'' Success Rating Scale.- Sellin-Wolfgang Delinquency Index.- Severity of Offense Scale.- Social Data Schedule.- Social Work Data Schedule.- 10 Offenders.

- Offenders Attitude Scales: Reviews.- Attitudes toward Offenders and Mental Patients.- Attitude toward Prisoners Scale.- Criminally Insane Attitude Scale.- Offenders Behavior Ratings: Reviews.- Criminal Profile.- Law Encounter Severity Scale.- Offenders Behavior Ratings: Listings.

- Index o.

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