ContentsPreface ASSESSMENT OF THE GERIATRIC PATIENT Reasons for Low Utilization of Mental Health Services by the Elderly Spatial Competence: Assessment of Route-Finding, Route-Learning, and Topographical Memory in Normal Aging The Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery and Aging The Clinical Use of Projective Techniques with the Aged: A Critical Review and Synthesis DEPRESSION SCALES FOR USE IN LATER LIFE Directions for Clinical-Psychosocial Assessment of Depression in the Elderly Use of the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale with Older Adults Use of the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale in the Elderly The Beck Depression Inventory and Older Adults: Review of Its Development and Utility Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): Recent Evidence and Development of a Shorter Version A Brief MMPI Depression Screening Scale for the Elderly Assessment of Mood and Affect in the Elderly: The Depression Adjective Check List and the Multiple Affect Adjective Check List Assessment of Pessimism and Despair in the Elderly: A Geriatric Scale of Hopelessness THERAPY IN LATER LIFE Psychodynamic Therapy with the Aged: A Review Application of Gestalt Therapy to Group Work with the Aged Cognitive Therapy with Older Adults Group Therapy with Cognitively Impaired Older Adults Lithium Groups and Elderly Bipolar Outpatients Pet-Facilitated Therapies: A Review of the Literature and Clinical Implementation Considerations FAMILY THERAPY The Functional-Age Model of Intergenerational Therapy: A Social Casework Model The Techniques and Contexts of Multigenerational Therapy Understanding the Family Coping with Alzheimer''s Disease: An Application of Theory to Intervention Support Groups for Male Caregivers of Alzheimer''s Patients RELATED TOPICS Later Life Personality Model: Diagnosis and Treatment Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Hidden Syndrome in Elders Assessment and Management of Chronic Pain in the Elderly Clinical Application of Biofeedback Techniques for the Elderly Suicide in the Elderly: Assessment and Intervention Drug Effects in Alzheimer''s Disease Some Ethical Issues in Dementia Care Index sment of Mood and Affect in the Elderly: The Depression Adjective Check List and the Multiple Affect Adjective Check List Assessment of Pessimism and Despair in the Elderly: A Geriatric Scale of Hopelessness THERAPY IN LATER LIFE Psychodynamic Therapy with the Aged: A Review Application of Gestalt Therapy to Group Work with the Aged Cognitive Therapy with Older Adults Group Therapy with Cognitively Impaired Older Adults Lithium Groups and Elderly Bipolar Outpatients Pet-Facilitated Therapies: A Review of the Literature and Clinical Implementation Considerations FAMILY THERAPY The Functional-Age Model of Intergenerational Therapy: A Social Casework Model The Techniques and Contexts of Multigenerational Therapy Understanding the Family Coping with Alzheimer''s Disease: An Application of Theory to Intervention Support Groups for Male Caregivers of Alzheimer''s Patients RELATED TOPICS Later Life Personality Model: Diagnosis and Treatment Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Hidden Syndrome in Elders Assessment and Management of Chronic Pain in the Elderly Clinical Application of Biofeedback Techniques for the Elderly Suicide in the Elderly: Assessment and Intervention Drug Effects in Alzheimer''s Disease Some Ethical Issues in Dementia Care Index ;lt;li>RELATED TOPICS Later Life Personality Model: Diagnosis and Treatment Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Hidden Syndrome in Elders Assessment and Management of Chronic Pain in the Elderly Clinical Application of Biofeedback Techniques for the Elderly Suicide in the Elderly: Assessment and Intervention Drug Effects in Alzheimer''s Disease Some Ethical Issues in Dementia Care Index.
Clinical Gerontology : A Guide to Assessment and Intervention