100 Amazing and Unexpected Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar One of history's most treasured home remedies, vinegar has always been praised for its powerful antioxidants and incredible antiseptic power. 'Apple Cider Vinegar for Health' will show readers how to use the all-natural product in their daily beauty and health routine with ideas for everything from crafting a wholesome weight-loss tonic to highlighting their hair to giving their skin a lovely glow. Featuring step-by-step instructions and plenty of helpful tips, this book will provide readers with 100 apple cider vinegar solutions that help: * Control cholesterol and boost weight loss * Relieve daily aches and pains, from muscle soreness to chronic headaches * Treat unsightly blemishes, itchy insect bites, and sunburns * Promote healthy skin, hair, and nails There's really nothing vinegar can't handle--from frizzy hair, hiccups to varicose veins--and all without the need for dangerous chemicals or costly procedures. With 'Apple Cider Vinegar for Health', readers will revel in all the benefits that a simple bottle of vinegar can bring. AUTHOR: Britt Brandon is a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist. She blogs about fitness and nutrition and is the author of 'The Everything Green Smoothies Book', The Everything Eating Clean Cookbook', 'What Color Is Your Smoothie?', 'The Everything Eating Clean Cookbook for Vegetarians', 'The Everything Pregnancy Health and Nutrition Book', and 'The Everything Healthy Green Drinks Book'. She uses apple cider vinegar daily, as a drink as well as in many home remedies. SELLING POINTS: * Features 100 uses for apple cider vinegar including recipes for weight-loss tonics, herbal remedies, and beauty treatments * Apple cider vinegar has been praised in various media outlets including The Huffington Post, Prevention magazine, The Dr.
Oz Show, Babble, and Yahoo for its tremendous health benefits * More than 39 million Google searches are made for vinegar's benefits and uses every month.