Introduction; Jane Boylan and Alison Brammer.- 1. Social work values, the law and the courts Jonathan Dickens.- 2. Anti-Oppressive Practice and the Law Beverley Burke and Jane Dalrymple.- 3. Care, vulnerability and the law Jonathan Herring.- 4.
Critical Issues in Social Work Law: Coercion in Social Care Robert Johns.- 5. Child Protection Kim Holt.- 6. Hastening slowly: does the law promote or frustrate timely adoption from care? Sally Dowding.- 7. The Changing Face of Youth Justice Martin Wasik.- 8.
Vulnerable and intimidated witnesses: Special measures, competence, consent and cross-examination Penny Cooper.- 9. Human Trafficking and Social Work Law Tom Obokata.- 10. Good Review? Good Question. Margaret Flynn and Hilary Brown.