Acknowledgements Foreword (Z. Rongji) Introduction (L. Brahm)ECONOMY AND REFORM The Road Map (Z.Peiyan) Unprecedented Experiment (S. Shapiro) Dealing with Globalization (C. Smadja) Fighting Corruption Amidst Economic Reform (H. Weiding)INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS China's Foreign Affairs in the New Century (T. Jiaxuan) The CanadaChina Relationship: A Personal Perspective (H.
Balloch) ASEM A New Dimension in Asia-European Relations (C. Bramsen) China in a World of Risk (M. Daniell)INVESTMENT AND TRADE China's Foreign Economic Trade in the 21stCentury (S. Guangsheng) Kodak and China: Seven Years of Kodak Moments (G. Fisher) China's WTO Accession The Big Picture (M. Furst) China, Unlike Its Famous City, Is Forbidden No More (A. Desmarais) Private Equity in China (R. Theleen)INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE Striving to Realize the Three-Year Target of State-Owned Enterprise Reform and Separation of Losses (S.
Huaren) Progress from Tradition China Moves into the 21 st Century (H. von Pierer) Industrial Automation and China's Future Development (D. Davis) Fueling China's Growth (C. Pryor) Chemicals A Key Pillar for China's Economic Development in the New Century (M. Schneider)GOVERNMENT AND LAW A New Chapter in Constructing China's Legal System (X. Yang) Governance in China: The Present and Future Tense (D. Lewis) The Role of Arbitration in Resolving Chinese-Foreign Business Disputes: Past, Present and Future (M. Moser) The Future of Law and Order in Hong Kong: Reinventing the Hong Kong Police (K.
Wong)BANKING AND FINANCE China's Banking and Financial Sector Reforms in the New Century (D. Xianglong) China: The Long March to Capital Market Reform (P. Sutherland) Banking and Finance in China (A. Kan) China's Insurance Industry Facing a New Era of Opportunities and Challenges (W. Kielholz) China's Financial System Needs Transparency and Accountability (M. Clifford)TECHNOLOGY AND INTERNET The Development of the Information and Network Technology Industry of China (W. Jichuan) How the Internet Will Shape China (P. Yip) Wiring China for the New Century (T.
Lewis) Internet/E-Business in China: Development of a Legal Framework (J. Eichelberger)MEDIA AND COMMUNICATIONSChina's Media Is Welcoming Network Time (Z. Qizheng) The New Millennium: China in the Connected World (J. Murdoch) Third Eye to Read China's News (M. Ling) Creeping Freedoms in China's Press (L. Xiguang)Conclusion Index.