IntroductionChapter I - BEIJING YEARS: Searching for Beijing Consensus - Confessions of an Ex-Corporate Lawyer - Fighting Washington Consensus in Laos - Coping with Currency Crisis in Vietnam - Managing the Market in Beijing - Nomads Go Corporate in Mongolia - Calling for Overthrow of the ADB - Back with Premier Zhu in Beijing - Emasculating the World Economic Forum in BeijingChapter II - THE HIMALAYAN YEARS: Finding a New Himalayan Consensus - Searching for Shangri-la - Seeking New Consensus - Searching for Sustainable Tourism - Beginning by Protecting Heritage Architecture - Moving to Lhasa - Establishing a Sustainable NGO - The Road Ahead - Towards Himalayan ConsensusChapter III - SEARCHING FOR SHAMBHALA: Finding the Oracle of the Panchen Lamas - In the Age of Kali - Searching for the Panchen Lama - Coping with the Age of Kali - Searching for ShambhalaChapter IV - TIBET'S NEW VOICE: Advocating Himalayan Consensus From Top of the World - Which Way? - The Lhasa Way - A New Formula For Hu? - An Unharmonious Society - Cause and Effect Syndrom - New Values - New Order - Protectionist Walls - What about Globalization - Toward a More Compassionate Post-Breton Woods SystemChapter V -- THE SHANGRI-LA WAY: From Tibetan Grass Roots Sprout New Economic Alternatives - Coping with Income Disparity - Solving New Problems Created - Economic or C02 Bubble? - When Ideology Falls Short - Searching for Shangri-la - The Shangri-la AlternativeChapter VI - SILK ROAD CONSENSUS: Finding Himalayan Consensus on the Caravan Serai - Toward Silk Road Consensus - Time for New Consensus - -Re-empowering the Madras - Turning the Himalayan Barrier into a Bridge - New Himalayan Paradigm - Missing Link - Toward a Kashmir Solution - The Unsolved Problem - Afghanistan - Marginalizing Poverty and TerrorismChapter VII - NEPAL'S "PRACHANDA PATH": Buddhism's Middle Way Becomes Mandate for Nepal's Maoists - Finding a Middle Path - Populist People Power - Anatomy of a Maoist - US Administration Opposition and Interference - Deterring Democracy - Deferring from the IMF-World Bank LineCHAPTER VIII - TOWARDS NEW CONSENSUS: An Idea Whose Time Has Come - The Rise of Himalayan Consensus - Re-engineering Shambhala Vision - Setting New Paradigms - Village Grassroots Banking - Calling for the Right Kind of GlobalizationChapter IX - THE SRI LANKAN ALTERNATIVE: Seeking Justice in the Forest, Village or Capital Market Place - Buddhist Diplomacy Begins - Toward Building New Asian Consensus - A Sri Lankan Alternative to Washington Consensus -.
The Anti-Globalization Breakfast Club : Manifesto for a Peaceful Revolution