A cute little girl rabbit named Pixie, who first introduced Bunny and Hare, decide to collect tales about Bunny and Hare, so that other animal can remember them. She doesn't know all the tales about Bunny and Hare, and decides to collect as many additional tales as she can from all the animals that knew Bunny and Hare. Since winter is fast approaching, Pixie needs to start collecting the tales right away. Pixie makes a list of animals she knows, and travels up and down East Trail, West Trail, and Ocean Trail collecting all the animals on her list. She asks them to collect their tales about Bunny and Hare, and the tales from other animals that they know, and bring the tales to her by spring. When the tales start coming back to her, she realizes she did not know very much about Bunny and Hare. Thus begins The Tales of Bunny and Hare as remembered by all of their animal friends.
The Tales of Bunny and Hare