Learn how you can develop your spiritual intelligence and set yourself on the path to true happiness, emotional freedom and a meaningful life. Believe it or not, happiness is not an unattainable ideal for those of us living a normal life with everyday worries and concerns - we all have the potential to be blissfully happy. But how do we get there? A Book For Life shows us that the key to unlocking lasting happiness is to develop something that is innate in all of us. Your spiritual intelligence is spirituality put into action - it gives us a practical and powerful skill set to enhance the great times and get us swiftly though the tough times. It's the core intelligence which runs through all spiritual traditions, as well as the modern schools of psychology. For the same reasons we might exercise regularly to develop our muscles to keep our body strong, we need to develop our spiritual intelligence to keep our minds healthy. With over 30 years' experience as a Shaman and therapist, Jo Bowlby has created a simple blueprint for happiness by translating the ancient teachings from around the world (Shamanism, Buddhism, Zen, the sutras, Qi gong) for a contemporary readership, with each chapter including traditional techniques and exercises. 'A must-read packed full of aha moments.
' - Naomie Harris 'LIFE CHANGING on every level.' - Trinny Woodall 'A Book for Life: Ten Steps to Inner Happiness is a treasure trove of wisdom from various traditions, ranging from Shamanism to Buddha's philosophy, and Zen to Western philosophy, all of which are intertwined with a plethora of ancient parables. Serving as a light house, Jo's book is a guide to discovering one's aptitude along the journey of life, towards the goal suitable to each person's disposition and mental proclivities. I highly recommend this book.' - Geshe Dorji Damdul, Former Translator to H.H. the Dalai Lama, Director/Tibet House, Cultural Center of H.H.
the Dalai Lama, New Delhi.