"A thoughtful and remarkable book, by two thoughtful and remarkable people. This year's must-read on nonverbal communications and human behavior." -- Joe Navarro, former FBI counterintelligence agent and author of the international bestseller What Every BODY Is Saying "Just when you think you know people (or how to read them) out comes a book like this. In business? In a relationship? In a family? This book is for you. I could not put it down, and I now question everything very differently." -- Mitch Joel, President of Mirum and author of Six Pixels of Separation and Ctrl Alt Delete "What you think you know about body language? Probably lies. What's in this book? A way of getting to the truth. Bowden and Thomson share a simple, tested process to help you figure out what's really going on with that other person, in business and in life.
" -- Michael Bungay Stanier, author of the Wall Street Journal-bestselling The Coaching Habit "Truth and Lies is brilliant. If you'd like to learn the truth about who will have your back or if your kids are in safe hands or if your neighbor, boyfriend, best friend, or boss is keeping a secret from you, then read this book." -- Janine Driver, lie detection expert for the CIA and New York Times-bestselling author of You Say More Than You Think "Truth and Lies is a wonderful guide to learning how to know what people are really thinking." -- Vanessa Van Edwards, bestselling author of Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People "Mark Bowden and Tracey Thomson give us a front row seat to understanding nonverbal communication and human behavior. Truth and Lies shows us how to come off autopilot and get it right each and every time." -- Tonya Reiman, behavioral analyst, author of The Body Language of Dating "The cluttered space of body language clickbait continues to grow, but Truth and Lies clears a path to clarity and focus." -- Scott Rouse, body language analyst and military interrogation trainer "If you've ever wondered what selfies say, why people 'ghost,' and how to detect the signals of deception in the physical and digital world, then Truth and Lies is the definitive, non-verbal communication book of this generation." -- Jamie Mason Cohen, handwriting analyst to criminal profilers and TEDx speaker "A masterwork life-coaching manual.
With advice from other leading experts in nonverbal behavior, Mark Bowden and Tracey Thomson bring you a rounded view and new system for how to understand and use body language in a wide variety of life situations." -- Greg Hartley, former US Army interrogator and human behavior consultant "The authors are true body language detectives. I wish I had learned their SCAN technique years ago. Brilliant and informative, this is a must-read for anyone after the truth." -- J. Paul Nadeau, former hostage negotiator "A thoroughly insightful read, packed full of useful information to put to immediate and practical use. Let Mark and Tracey guide you to success and increase your awareness of other people." -- Craig Baxter, author of Behind The Mask: What Michael Jackson's Body Language Told the World "Fascinating, revealing and at times, unsettling, Truth and Lies explains the nuances of body language to help you better understand the complexities of human behavior and discover what people are really thinking.
" -- Victoria Stilwell, principal of Positively and author of It's Me or the Dog!.