Part I. Process Overview: 1. What is performance and why measure it?; 2. What does a performance measurement system include?; 3. The process of performance measurement system design; 4. Summary of phase 1 of the procedure; 5. Summary of phase 2 of the procedure; 6. Participation; 7.
Internal participation; 8. External participation; 9. Process and project management; 10. Launching the process; 11. Further reading; Part II. Selecting a Facilitator: 12. Launching the process; 13. The workbook; 14.
What are our main customer-product groups?; 15. What are our business objectives?; 16. Are we achieving our business objectives?; 17. Have we chosen the right measures?; 18. Using our measures to manage the business; 19. What can we use to drive performance towards our objectives?; 20. Which performance drivers are the most important?; 21. How do we know these drivers are working?; 22.
Have we chosen the right measures for the drivers?; 23. Using these measures to drive business performance.