A DELIBERATE, SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO CREATIVITY ON DEMAND. Cost-cutting, downsizing and quality have run their course. The great need now is for new ideas. Since its first publication, 'Serious Creativity' has rapidly become the standard textbook on creativity on demand. Creativity is no longer a matter of old-fashioned brainstorming and hoping that ideas will somehow happen. There are now formal tools that can be used deliberately and systematically. Edward de Bono, the originator of lateral thinking and widely acknowledged leading international authority in the field of creative thinking, writes with twenty-five years of experience and a long list of prominent clients behind him (Du Pont, Exxon, Shell, Ford, IBM, British Airways, Ciba Geigy, Citibank to name a few…). By learning his methods of 'serious' creativity, which are now widely in use and have stood the test of time, 'conformists' can become more creative that 'the rebels'.
Creativity need no longer be a mystery or a special gift it is a skill that can be learned and applied.