I found her to be a very thoughtful, smart, interested person-one of the great listeners. And since I'm one of the big talkers, it was a great fit. -George W. Bush of his first meeting Laura Bush. When psychologist and writer Robert J. Bolt chanced upon the aforementioned quote of George W. Bush it stuck in his mind. That George and Laura Bush are opposites when it comes to talkativeness may seem at first glance unremarkable-after all, opposites do attract on occasion.
Yet startlingly the same attraction of opposites features in other famous couples, including Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, Paul and Linda McCartney, and Queen Elizabeth IIand Prince Philip, and most remarkably iall First Couples from the Obamas back to the Kennedys. OPPOSITES-a long overdue resolution to the mystery of romantic love-shows how the popular adage that opposites attract really does manifest itself in unexpected ways. So compelling is the biographical evidence that it's no small wonder these genuine ways in which opposites attract have remained overlooked by so many for so long.