"Informative and engagingly idiosyncratic . brings the subject down to earth with offbeat, everyday examples and easy-to-follow experiments. Both professionals and laymen can learn from this book."-The New York Times Book Review "A brilliant collection of intriguing examples of the physics of everyday phenomena, with the examples presented as puzzles."-Discover "A delightful book."-Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society This is the sequel to Craig Bohrens popular Clouds in a Glass of Beer (also available from Dover), the book that made the fascinating world of atmospheric physics accessible to readers without a scientific background. Like its predecessor, this volume abounds in lively writing, fun-filled and easy-to-perform experiments, and numerous photographs and illustrations that offer illuminating and memorable ways to learn about an intriguing branch of science.
What Light Through Yonder Window Breaks? : More Experiements in Atmospheric Physics