"The story opens with six-year-old Simone Biles watching gymnasts practice and eager to try every move she sees. Though her home life has been somewhat unstable, she now lives with her grandparents, who have adopted her. The narrative highlights Biles' personal strengths, her challenges (including ADHD), and her growth as an athlete striving to do her best in a series of national and world championships, including the 2016 Olympics. In addition, the book offers information about the sports' apparatuses and events, the basics of scoring, and the rigorous training necessary for elite gymnasts. The series title, G.O.A.T.
(Greatest of All Time), is an acronym most often applied to athletes. In the book's introduction, Blackaby asks readers to decide which gymnast deserves the title. For the next 100 pages, she makes a strong case for Simone Biles. The book's many clear color photos work well with the text. One helpful double-page spread includes 18 overlapping images of Biles performing a vault. An appealing paperback, particularly with the 2020 Tokyo Olympics on the horizon ." -- Booklist.