You Took the Last Bus Home is an anthology of perfectly crafted, ingeniously witty and at times surprisingly touching poems from Brian Bilston, the reclusive 'e~Poet Laureate of Twitter'e(tm). In a rare emergence from behind his usual pipe smoke cloud of mystery, he has collected his best-loved poems into this irresistibly charming anthology, appearing for the first time out of the virtual world. With endless wit, he offers profound insights into modern life, exploring themes as diverse as love, death, the inestimable value of a mobile phone charger, the unbearable torment of forgetting to put the rubbish out, the sheer anguish of treading on an inopportunely placed lego, and the improbable nuances of the English language. Constantly experimenting with literary form, Bilston'e(tm)s words have been known to float off the page, take the shape of the subjects they explore, and reflect our contemporary world in the form of excel spreadsheets, Venn diagrams, powerpoint presentations, and Scrabble tiles. Riddled with imaginative wordplay, quick-witted jokes and underlying heartache, these poems will make you laugh out loud while making you question the very essence of the human condition in the twenty-first century. YOU TOOK THE LAST BUS HOME you took the last bus home i still don'e(tm)t know how you got it through the door but you'e(tm)re always doing amazing stuff like the time when you caught that train FRISBEE Frisbee whizzing through the air above our heads over the sand into the water onto the waves out to sea. You cried a lot that day. Frisbee was a lovely dog.
You Took the Last Bus Home : The Poems of Brian Bilston