Contents: Introduction, Andy Bennett, Jodie Taylor and Ian Woodward. Part I Lifestyle, Identity and Cultural Politics: Festival spaces, identity, experience and belonging, Andy Bennett and Ian Woodward; Festivalizing sexualities: discourses of ¿pride¿, counter-discourses of ¿shame¿, Jodie Taylor; The logics of sacrifice at visionary arts festivals, Graham St John; ¿Pride in self, pride in community, pride in culture¿: the role of stylin¿ up in fostering indigenous community and identity, Brydie-Leigh Bartleet; The politics, pleasure and performance of New Age Travellers, ravers and anti-road protestors: connecting festivals, carnival and new social movements, Greg Martin. Part II Local and Global Communities: Varieties of cosmopolitanism in art festivals, Jasper Chalcraft, Gerard Delanty and Monica Sassatelli; Sovereign bodies: Australian indigenous cultural festivals and flourishing lifeworlds, Lisa Slater; Music festivals as trans-national scenes: the case of progressive rock in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, Timothy J. Dowd; The greening of the music festival scene: an exploration of sustainable practices and their influence on youth culture, Joanne Cummings. Part III Spatial and Temporal Narratives: Location, spatiality and liminality at outdoor music festivals: doofs as journey, Susan Luckman; Performing the promised land: the festivalizing of multi-cultures in the Margate Exodus project, Michael Balfour; The emotional ecologies of festivals, Michelle Duffy; Festivals 2.0: consuming, producing and participating in the extended festival experience, Yvette Morey, Andrew Bengry-Howell, Christine Griffin, Isabelle Szmigin and Sarah Riley. Index.
The Festivalization of Culture