Tibetan Silver, Gold and Bronze Objects and the Aesthetics of Animals in the Era Before Empire : Cross-Cultural Reverberations on the Tibetan Plateau and Soundings from Other Parts of Eurasia
Tibetan Silver, Gold and Bronze Objects and the Aesthetics of Animals in the Era Before Empire : Cross-Cultural Reverberations on the Tibetan Plateau and Soundings from Other Parts of Eurasia
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Author(s): Bellezza, John Vincent
ISBN No.: 9781407354316
Pages: xiii, 169
Year: 202005
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 92.64
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

{\rtf1\fbidis\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Calibri;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Verdana;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\ltrpar\lang1033\b\f0\fs22 List of Figures\parList of Tables\parIntroduction\par\b0 Overview\parThe contents of the study\parGeographic scope\parChronology and localisation\parPursuant technical matters\parProvenance\par\b 1. Two Tibetan silver bowls of the Late Prehistoric era: The spread of vessels in precious metals and lion art of West Asia to the Plateau\par\b0 The silver bowls in the Pine collection\parOther Tibetan silver and gold vessels and the lion\parThe cultural and historical origins of the silver bowls in the Pine collection\par\b 2. A Tibetan gold finial of the Late Prehistoric era: Transcultural movements discerned in the most incorruptible of metals\par\b0 The gold finial in the Pine collection\parOther Tibetan gold objects of the pre-Imperial era\parThe cultural and historical origins of the gold finial\par\b 3. Tibetan copper-alloy jars of the Late Prehistoric era: Tracing a northern arc of cultural connectivity through form and function\par\b0 Tibetan copper-alloy bird-spouted jars in private collections\parA bird-spouted ceramic jar from Iran\par\b 4. Tibetan copper-alloy trapezoidal plaques of the Late Prehistoric era: Tigers and geometric patterns in the interregional matrix\par\b0 A trapezoidal plaque attributed to Tibet in the Pine collection \parA Tibetan trapezoidal openwork plaque in a private collection\parOther Tibetan trapezoidal openwork plaques and their cultural significance\par\b 5. To and from Iran: Scythic links with the north and east\par\b0 The Achaemenid empire and its steppe connections\parThe Scythian carriers of culture in the eastern part of Central Asia\parSaka agency in the expansion of zoomorphic art in North Asia\par\b 6. To Tibet: Bearers of the Eurasian Animal Style in Northern Pakistan and North Inner Asia\par\b0 Saka art in the Pamirs and Northern Pakistan\parThe Saka in the multicultural Tarim Basin\parThe Northern Zone connection\parCultural crosscurrents extending to the Eastern Steppe\par\b 7. In Tibet: Transfer of the Eurasian Animal Style to the Plateau and parallel processes affecting China\par\b0 Eurasian Animal Style rock art in Tibet\parParallel developments in the east\par\b Conclusion\par\b0 Mechanisms of transmission in the Inner Asian network of exchange\par\b Bibliography\parIndex\lang2057\b0\f1\fs17\par}.

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