PREFACE xiv Chapter 1 ETHICAL THEORY AND BUSINESS PRACTICE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS AND PROBLEMS 1 Morality and Ethical Theory 1 Morality and Prudence 3 Morality and Law 4 The Rule of Conscience 6 Approaches to the Study of Morality and Ethical Theory 7 Relativism and Objectivity of Belief 8 Moral Disagreements 11 The Problem of Egoism 13 NORMATIVE ETHICAL THEORY 18 Utilitarian Theories 18 Kantian Ethics 23 Contemporary Challenges to the Dominant Theories 30 Rights Theories 30 Virtue Ethics 33 Common-Morality Theories 35 A Prologue to Theories of Justice 38 The Moral Point of View 39 Chapter 2 THE PURPOSE OF THE CORPORATION 45 INTRODUCTION 45 STOCKHOLDER MANAGEMENT VERSUS STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT Milton Friedman, The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits 51 R. Edward Freeman, Managing for Stakeholders 56 John R. Boatright, What''s Wrong-and What''s Right-with Stakeholder Management 69 Wayne F. Cascio, Decency Means More than "Always Low Prices": A Comparison of Costco to Wal-Mart''s Sam''s Club" 80 LEGAL PERSPECTIVES Michigan Supreme Court, Dodge v. Ford Motor Co. 90 Supreme Court of New Jersey, A. P. Smith Manufacturing Co.
v. Barlow 92 Johnson & Johnson: Our Credo 94 CASES Case 1: The NYSEG Corporate Responsibility Program 95 Case 2: Outsourcing at Any Cost? Do Corporations Ever Have a Moral Obligation Not to Outsource? 98 Case 3: Merck and River Blindness 101 Case 4: H. B. Fuller in Honduras: Street Children and Substance Abuse 102 Case 5: From Tension to Cooperative Dialogue: Holcim 104 Suggested Supplementary Readings 106 Chapter 3 ETHICAL TREATMENT OF EMPLOYEES 107 INTRODUCTION 107 THE HIRING AND FIRING OF EMPLOYEES Patricia H. Werhane and Tara J. Radin, Employment at Will and Due Process 113 Richard A. Epstein, In Defense of the Contract at Will 121 OCCUPATIONAL RISK Ruth R. Faden and Tom L.
Beauchamp, The Right to Risk Information and the Right to Refuse Workplace Hazards 129 John R. Boatright, Occupational Health and Safety 136 WHISTLE-BLOWING Michael Davis, Some Paradoxes of Whistle-Blowing 147 Ronald Duska, Whistle-Blowing and Employee Loyalty 155 LEGAL PERSPECTIVES Superior Court of New Jersey, Warthen v. Toms River Community Memorial Hospital 159 United States Supreme Court, Automobile Workers v. Johnson Controls Inc. 164 Superior Court of New Jersey, Potter v. Village Bank of New Jersey 167 CASES Case 1: Off-Duty Smoking 171 Case 2: Fired for Drinking the Wrong Brand of Beer 172 Case 3: Exposing Workers to Plutonium 172 Case 4: BP Workers Ill-Trained for Dangers 173 Case 5: Roger Boisjoly and the Challenger Disaster: Disloyal Employee or Courageous Whistle-Blower? 175 Case 6: The Reluctant Security Guard 177 Case 7: A Matter of Principle 180 Suggested Supplementary Readings 181 Chapter 4 DIVERSITY, DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT IN THE WORKPLACE 184 INTRODUCTION 184 DIVERSITY AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Tom L. Beauchamp, Affirmative Action Goals in Hiring and Promotion 194 N. Scott Arnold, Affirmative Action and the Demands of Justice 202 James P.
Sterba, A Defense of Diversity Affirmative Action 212 George Sher, Diversity 219 SEXUAL HARASSMENT Larry May, Sexual Harassment and Solidarity 227 Jaimie Leeser and William O''Donohue, Normative Issues in Defining Sexual Harassment 236 LEGAL PERSPECTIVES United States Supreme Court, Local 28 of the Sheet Metal Workers'' International Association v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 244 United States Supreme Court, Barbara Grutter, Petitioner, v. Lee Bollinger et al. 249 Justice Sandra Day O''Connor, Opinion of the Court 249 Justice Clarence Thomas, Dissenting Opinion 253 Brief for Amici Curiae: 65 Leading American Businesses in Support of Respondents 255 United States Supreme Court, Meritor Savings Bank, FSB, v. Vinson et al. 258 United States Supreme Court, Teresa Harris, Petitioner, v. Forklift Systems Inc. 262 CASES Case 1: How Would You Vote if You Lived in Michigan? 264 Case 2: Sing''s Chinese Restaurant 266 Case 3: Kaiser Aluminum and the United Steelworkers 266 Case 4: Promotions at Uptown Bottling and Canning Company 267 Case 5: Freedom of Expression in the Workplace 268 Case 6: "Harassment" at Brademore Electric 269 Suggested Supplementary Readings 270 Chapter 5 MARKETING AND THE DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION 273 INTRODUCTION 273 ADVERTISING AND DISCLOSURE Robert L.
Arrington, Advertising and Behavior Control 284 David M. Holley, Information Disclosure in Sales 290 MARKETING George G. Brenkert, Marketing and the Vulnerable 297 Carl Elliott, The Drug Pushers 307 LEGAL PERSPECTIVES United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, Irving A. Backman v. Polaroid Corporation 317 United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, B. Sanfield Inc. v. Finlay Fine Jewelry Corp.
320 United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, Coca-Cola Company v. Tropicana Products Inc. 323 Supreme Court of California, Kasky v. Nike Inc. 325 The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, Code on Interactions with Health-Care Professionals 328 CASES Case 1: More HorsePOWER? 331 Case 2: Advice for Sale: How Companies Pay TV Experts for On-Air Product Mentions 331 Case 3: Sales at World Camera and Electronics 336 Case 4: Hucksters in the Classroom 336 Case 5: Kraft Foods Inc.: The Cost of Advertising on Children''s Waistlines 339 Case 6: Marketing Malt Liquor 344 Case 7: Merck & Company: The Vioxx Recall 345 Suggested Supplementary Readings 350 Chapter 6 ETHICAL ISSUES IN FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING 352 INTRODUCTION 352 AUDITING AFTER ENRON Ronald F. Duska and Brenda Shay Duska, Ethics in Auditing: The Auditing Function 355 Colin Boyd, The Structural Origins of Conflicts of Interest in the Accounting Profession 364 John R. Boatright, Individual Responsibility in the American Corporate System: Does Sarbanes-Oxley Strike the Right Balance? 373 FINANCIAL SERVICES John R.
Boatright, Ethical Issues in Financial Services 387 Robert W. McGee, Applying Ethics to Insider Trading 395 LEGAL PERSPECTIVES United States Supreme Court, United States, Petitioner, v. James Herman O''Hagan, 402 American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Code of Professional Conduct 405 CASES Case 1: An Auditor''s Dilemma 408 Case 2: Accounting for Enron 409 Case 3: Enron and Employee Investment Risk 414 Case 4: The Conventions of Lying on Wall Street 415 Case 5: Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Inc.: An Accusation of Insider Trading 416 Suggested Supplementary Readings 421 Chapter 7 ETHICAL ISSUES REGARDING EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES 423 INTRODUCTION 423 INFORMATION AND THE WORLD WIDE WEB Deborah G. Johnson, Privacy 428 Jeffery D. Smith, Internet Content Providers and Complicity in Human Rights Abuse 442 Richard T. De George, Intellectual Property and the Information Age 455 PHARMACEUTICAL PATENTS Richard T. De George, Intellectual Property and Pharmaceutical Drugs: An Ethical Analysis 465 Patricia H.
Werhane and Michael E. Gorman, Intellectual Property Rights, Moral Imagination, and Access to Life-Enhancing Drugs 477 LEGAL PERSPECTIVES United States Supreme Court, Sony Corp. v. Universal City Studios Inc. 486 United States District Court for the Northern District of California, A&M Records v. Napster 491 World Trade Organization, Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights 498 World Trade Organization, Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health 501 CASES Case 1: Privacy Pressures: The Use of Web Bugs at HomeConnection 502 Case 2: Spiders at the Auction 504 Case 3: 505 Case 4: Patents and the African AIDS Epidemic 507 Case 5: Aventis: Partnerships for Health 509 Suggested Supplementary Readings 510 Chapter Eight ETHICAL ISSUES REGARDING THE NATURAL ENVIROMENT 512 INTRODUCTION 512 BUSINESS AND ENVIRONMENTAL OBLIGATIONS Norman E. Bowie, Morality, Money and Motor Cars 516 Denis G.
Arnold and Keith Bustos, Business, Ethics, and Global Climate Change 523 Joseph DesJardins, Sustainability: Business''s New Environmental Obligation 533 Dennis R. Cooley, Genetically Modified Organisms and Business Duties 541 LEGAL PERSPECTIVES United States Supreme Court, United States, Petitioner, v. Best Foods et al. 547 United States Supreme Court, Christine Todd Whitman, Administrator of Environmental Protection Agency et al., Petitioners, v. American Trucking Associations, Inc., et al. 550 CASES Case 1: Royal Caribbean: Exotic Promises and Toxic Waters 553 Case 2: Texaco in the Ecuadorean Amazon 555 Case 3: BP: Beyond Petroleum Spills? 558 Case 4: Maintaining a Seat at the Table: The Shell Group 562 Case 5: Interface Corporation and Sustainable Business 565 Case 6: Monsanto''s Roundup Ready Wheat 566 Suggested Supplementary Readings 569 Chapter 9 ETHICAL ISSUES.