Praise for the previous edition: "The new sixth edition ofPrinciples of Biomedical Ethicsis a welcome event. There is nothing else like it in the field of bioethics. It has easily become over the years the most used, most praised, and most distinguished book in the field. Each edition moves beyond the previous ones in important and nuanced ways. Beauchamp and Childress keep up with the ever-changing terrain of bioethics, and work hard to refine their own arguments. It gets better and better. One can hardly ask for more."--Daniel Callahan, Director, International Program,The Hastings Center "What is by far the best general book on bioethics has gotten even better.
The new material on international justice and virtue ethics is especially valuable. Such a combination of accessibility and rigor is rarely attained."--Allen Buchanan, James B. Duke Professor of Philosophy and James B. Duke Professor of Public Policy Studies,Duke University "This sixth edition ofPrinciples of Biomedical Ethicsreaffirms its undisputed stature as a canonical text for the world''s bioethicists. It maintains a standard of scholarship and clarity appealing to neophytes and seasoned scholars, to adherents and critics of its principled approach. It culls the new and the old with precision and adds a new chapter on moral status. Anyone hoping to stay current with the continuing evolution of bioethics must read this update.
"--Edmund D. Pellegrino, Chairman,President''s Council on Bioethics "The contemporary field of bioethics is unimaginable, absent this text.Principles of Biomedical Ethicsprovided a paradigmatic approach that shaped the early character of bioethics. It continues to be a source of serious debate regarding the nature of morality and the significance of bioethics. No one can understand the field of bioethics apart from this volume."--H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr., M.
D., Professor,Rice UniversityandBaylor College of Medicine "Like all of its previous incarnations, this new edition ofPrinciples of Biomedical Ethicsoffers the reader a window onto the cutting edge of contemporary bioethics. Never content to merely recycle, buff, and slap new covers on old material, Beauchamp and Childress have once again rethought fundamental issues and fully engaged with their critics (including me). Beyond merely contributing to the field of bioethics, PBE has helped to define it."--John D. Arras, Porterfield Professor of Bioethics,University of Virginia "Every new edition of this classic gets better and better. This is essential reading for all students and scholars of bioethics."--Bernard Lo, M.
D., Professor of Medicine and Director, Program in Medical Ethics,University of California, San Francisco "Principles of Biomedical Ethicshas, over six successive editions, clarified and expanded the concepts, definitions, and arguments that make bioethics a discipline instead of random shards of opinion, sometimes astute, sometimes silly, that pass in the media for ethical commentary on medicine and science. This book is the thesaurus of bioethical discourse."--Albert R. Jonsen, Professor Emeritus, Department of Medical History and Ethics,University of Washington "The sixth edition ofPrinciples of Biomedical Ethics,which more than any other book has helped to shape the field of biomedical ethics, is even better than the previous five editions. Beauchamp and Childress continue to listen to their critics, of whom I am one, and to change their book accordingly. Although I still have some problems with the theory of principlism, I have nothing but admiration for their comprehensive and detailed discussion of the moral problems that arise in the field of medicine. I plan to use this edition, as I have used previous editions, as one of the primary texts in my course in Philosophy of Medicine.
"--Bernard Gert, Stone Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy,Dartmouth College "Anyone with an interest in the field, including all those who have already been influenced by previous editions ofPrinciples of Biomedical Ethics--and who in our field hasn''t been, directly or indirectly?--should read the sixth edition. They will find the by-now familiar principles treated in new ways and, more importantly, thoughtful examinations of global health and of the relationship of vulnerability and exploitation to the often-neglected principle of justice. This book is now essential reading not only for those who grapple with clinical dilemmas and the challenges of biomedical research but also for anyone working on the frontiers of public health, where global epidemics and routine surveillance raise some of the most difficult issues in bioethics."--Alexander M. Capron, University Professor,University of Southern California,and Former Director, Ethics, Trade, Human Rights and Health Law,World Health Organization.