Beatson, Matthews & Elliot's Administrative Law - Text & Materials combines carefully selected extracts from key cases, articles and other sources with detailed commentary. Aimed at undergraduates studying administrative law, it provides comprehensive coverage of the subject, bringing together in one volume the best features of a textbook and a casebook. By exposing readers to a wide range of primary sources and providing clear explanations of their impact and significance, the book provides an integrated treatment of administrative law which allows students to gain a wide ranging knowledge of this area, while engaging with the issues in depth. Administrative law is presented not merely as a body of legal rules which regulates the relationship between the citizen and the state, but as the expression of a set of deeper constitutional and other policy concerns which fundamentally shape that relationship. The third edition of this book has been substantially rewritten in order to reflect recent developments and constitutional reforms.
Beatson, Matthews and Elliot's Administrative Law : Text and Materials