The Woomera Manual on the International Law of Military Space Operations
The Woomera Manual on the International Law of Military Space Operations
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Author(s): Beard, Jack
ISBN No.: 9780192870667
Pages: 480
Year: 202409
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 227.70
Status: Out Of Print

Hon. Vickie Chapman: ForewordPrefaceIntroductionMethodology of the Woomera ManualOverview of the Space Law RegimeNote on Legal Connections Between States and a Space ObjectNote on Outer Space vs Airspace (Delimitation of Outer Space)PART I: MILITARY SPACE ACTIVITIES DURING PEACETIMEIntroductionSection 1: Freedoms and Restrictions Related to the Use of Outer SpaceRule 1 - Freedom of Use, Access, Exploration, and Scientific Investigation and Principles of CooperationRule 2 - Non-Appropriation of Outer Space and Celestial BodiesRule 3 - Peaceful Purposes in Outer SpaceRule 4 - Restrictions on Specified Military Establishments and Activities on Celestial BodiesRule 5 - Weapons of Mass DestructionRule 6 - Military Space Activities and Intelligence CollectionRule 7 - JurisdictionRule 8 - Registration of Space ObjectsRule 9 - Ownership of Space ObjectsSection 2: Responsibility and LiabilityRule 10 - Responsibility of States for National Activities in Outer SpaceRule 11 - Responsibility of International OrganizationsRule 12 - International Liability for Damage Caused by Space ObjectsSection 3: Other ObligationsRule 13 - Astronauts and Personnel of a SpacecraftRule 14 - Avoidance of Harmful ContaminationRule 15 - Visits to Facilities on the Moon and Other Celestial BodiesPart II: MILITARY SPACE ACTIVITIES DURING TIMES OF TENSION AND CRISISIntroductionSection 1: Legal Obligations and Prohibitions of Particular Relevance During Times of Tension and CrisisRule 16 - ZonesRule 17 - Due RegardRule 18 - Harmful InterferenceRule 19 - ITU Harmful Radio InterferenceRule 20 - Non-Intervention PrincipleRule 21 - Use of ForceRule 22 - Threat of ForceRule 23 - Armed AttackSection 2: Response ActionsRule 24 - RetorsionRule 25 - CountermeasuresRule 26 - Self-DefenceRule 27 - Collective Self-DefenceRule 28 - Collective Security MeasuresPART III: MILITARY SPACE OPERATIONS DURING ARMED CONFLICTIntroduction: Space, the Law of Armed Conflict, and General Protection from HostilitiesSection 1: Characterization of Armed ConflictRule 29 - International Armed ConflictRule 30 - Non-International Armed ConflictSection 2: Conduct in or Related to AttackRule 31 - AttackRule 32 - DistinctionRule 33 - Direct Participation in HostilitiesRule 34 - Military ObjectivesRule 35 - Medical Units and Religious PersonnelSection 3: Precautions in AttackRule 36 - VerificationRule 37 - Choice of Means and Methods of AttackRule 38 - Proportionality in AttackRule 39 - Suspension or Cancellation of AttackRule 40 - WarningsRule 41 - Precautions against the Effects of AttackSection 4: Means and Methods of WarfareRule 42 - Means and Methods of Warfare GenerallyRule 43 - Natural EnvironmentRule 44 - Prohibition of PerfidyRule 45 - Improper Use of MarkingsSection 5: Other ObligationsRule 46 - Constant CareRule 47 - Belligerent ReprisalsRule 48 - Neutrality in Space.

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