I. Introduction to the Demography of Sexuality: 1: Introduction: The Demography of Sexuality (Amanda K. Baumle, University of Houston).- 2: Sexual Behavior and Practices: Data and Measurement (Stuart Michaels, University of Chicago).- 3: Best Pratices: Collecting and Analyzing Data on Sexual Minorities (Laura Durso and Gary Gates, The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law).- II. Sexual Practices: The Global Picture: 4: Sexual Behavior, Sexual Identity, and Sexual Attraction in the United States: Data from the 2006-2010 National Survey of Family Growth (Anjani Chandra, Casey E. Copen, and William D.
Mosher, National Center for Health Statistics).- 5: Sexual practices of Latin America and the Caribbean (Cecelia Gayet, FLACSO Mexico; Fatima Juarez, El Colegio de Mexico; and Michel Bozon, INED).- 6: Sexual Practices in Africa (Yanyi K. Djamba, Auburn University Montgomery).- 7: Sexuality in China (Nicole Farris, University of West Alabama; Lei He, Texas A&M University; Dudley L. Poston, Jr., Texas A&M University; Carol S. Walther, Northern Illinois University; Chris Russell, Texas A&M University; Heather Kincannon, Texas A&M University).
- III. Sexual Practices Across the Life Course.- 8: Sex in Committed Relationships (Pepper Schwartz, Brian J. Serafini, and Ross Cantor, University of Washington).- 9: Adolescent Sexual Experiences (Jennifer Pearson, Wichita State University; Lindsey Wilkinson, Portland State University).- 10: Sexuality Among Older Adults (Osmo Kontula, Population Research Institute).- IV. Sexual Identities.
- 11: The Prevalence of Gay Men and Lesbians (Christopher Scott Carpenter, UC Irvine).- 12 : Geography of the LGBT Population (Gary Gates, The Williams Institute, UCLA).- 13: The Demography of Sexuality and the Labor Market (Amanda K. Baumle, University of Houston).- 14: The Family and Gay Men and Lesbians (D'Lane R. Compton, University of New Orleans).- 15: The Demography of Asexuality (Anthony Bogaert, Brock University).- 16: The Demographics of the Transgender Population (Stacey Lawrence Colton Meier, University of Houston; Christine M.
Labuski, University of Arkansas): V. Applied Demography of Sexuality: Perspectives on Policy.- 17: Patterns of Relationship Recognition by Same-Sex Couples in the United States (M.V. Lee Badgett, University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Jody Herman, Williams Institute, UCLA).- 18: Sexuality in the Military (Karen De Angelis, Michelle Sandhoff, Kimberly Bonner, and David R. Segal, University of Maryland).- 19: Demographics of Gay and Lesbian Adoption and Family Policies (Mary Ann Davis, Sam Houston State University).
- 20: Same-Sex Couples' Construction of Census Categories (Carol S. Walther, Northern Illinois University).- VI: Conclusion.- 21: The Future of the Demography of Sexuality (Amanda K. Baumle, University of Houston).