In the rainforest, where Argentina meets Brazil, a frog with a very big mouth catches an enormous fly. Impressed with himself, he sets out along the path to find someone else to amaze. ';I've eaten the biggest FLY in the whole world!' he brags. ';Don't you wish you were ME?' The Frog with the Big Mouth brags to a toucan, a coati, and a capybara. (None of whom have eaten enormous fliestoo bad!) And then, wanting to brag just a little longer, he comes across a large speckled creature with sharp teethit's a jaguar. Guess what jaguars like to eat? Teresa Bateman's comical retelling, accompanied by Will Terry's vibrant artwork, will leave children asking for more. A note contains additional information about the South American rainforest animals in the story. Versions of this story appear all over the world, but the real big-mouthed frogs, nicknamed Pacman frogs, live in South America.
The author lives in Washington State. The illustrator lives in Utah.