H. A Brief History of Geometry 1. Basic Geometry Concepts An Overview of this Supplement Points, Lines, and Planes Between Points Congruent Objects and Bisectors Solving Word Problems in Geometry Construction Example: Using a Straight-Edge and Compass to Bisect a Line Segment Geometry Project #1: The History of Geometry 2. More about Angles Measuring and Classifying Angles Notation for Angle Measure and Congruence Common Relationships Between Angles Complementary and Supplementary Parallel Lines Cut by a Transversal Construction Example: Using a Straight Edge and Compass to Bisect an Angle Geometry Project #2: Proofs in Geometry 3. Triangles The Practical Nature of Triangles Classifying Triangles The Angles of a Triangle Right Triangles: The Pythagorean Theorem Comparing the Sides and Angles of a Triangle Geometry Project #3: Proofs in Geometry 4. More about Triangles: Similarity and Congruence Congruent Triangles Congruence Theorems Similar Triangles Special Right Triangles Geometry Project #4: Finding the Height of a Building 5. Quadrilaterals Classifying Quadrilaterals The Angles of a Quadrilateral Diagonals Geometry Project #5: Quadrilaterals and Bisectors 6. Polygons Identifying and Classifying Polygons Theorems about Polygons Geometry Project #6: The Area of a Regular Hexagon 7.
Area and Perimeter Perimeter Area Derived Area Formulas More Complex Shapes Geometry Project #7: Your Dream House 8. Circles Definitions and Terminology Area and Circumference Arc Length and Sectors Geometry Project #8: Proofs in Geometry 9. Volume and Surface Area Volume Formulas for the Cube, Rectangular Solid, Cylinder, and Prism The Sphere Cones and Pyramids Surface Area Geometry Project #9: Approximating Volumes 10. Basic Trigonometry Terminology Associated With Ratios in a Right Triangle Finding Unknown Values Trigonometric Ratio Values for Special Triangles Geometry Project #10: Trig Meets World.