Active learning resourcesJigsaw resource for solving simple linear equationsSquare pairs memory gameMeasures crosswordDining investigationCard-sorting activity for equivalent fractions, decimals and percentagesResources for Student Book 1Looking at quadrilateralsShape cut-outsThe sieve of EratosthenesRevision materialMulti-choice Exercise AMulti-choice Exercise BMulti-choice Exercise CAnswers to multi-choice Exercises A, B and CProgression test-style papersPaper 1 (non-calculator)Mark scheme for Paper 1Paper 2 (calculator)Mark scheme for Paper 2Paper 3 (mental strategies) with answersTopic testsTopic test - Chapters 1-6Topic test - Chapters 7-12Topic test - Chapters 13-18Answers to topic testsWorked solutionsWorked solutions to some of the more difficult questions from Student Book 1AnswersAnswers to Student Book 1Answers to Homework Book 1.
Complete Mathematics for Cambridge Secondary 1 Teacher Pack 1 : For Cambridge Checkpoint and Beyond