Chapter 1 Secret Identities Introduction to Imagination My first memory of pretending to be a superhero is as a toddler when I grabbed one of my old baby blankets and fashioned it into a cape. I still remember how powerful I felt and how much fun it was. Geeky moms are in a unique position to introduce the next generation to wonder. Although superheroes are often thought of as a male bastion, it''s usually mothers who first introduce their children to the concept. Mothers are generally the ones who stress out over Halloween costumes or the right books to read or the right shows to watch, and geeky mothers are the ones who pass down their love of stuff such as Star Wars, steampunk, fantasy, and science fiction. We''re often the first to introduce children to impossible stories that fire the imagination. The first time we show our children all the various versions of Star Trek and realize they love it as much as we do, it''s a shared bond. The first time they come running to us about a book they just read that they love that we also loved as a child, such as The Chronicles of Narnia, we feel their joy.
This chapter is about recapturing that feeling of exhilaration for ourselves and our children. Some of the projects are complicated, many are less so, but they are all designed with laughter and fun in mind and with an eye to providing that special thrill that pretending brings to everyone. Why Superheroes Matter especially to children It''s a striking and compelling image: the ordinary-looking person sees someone around him or her in trouble and springs into action, revealing a hidden hero. That image goes directly to our collective desire to matter, to make a difference, to be a hero. Adults are still drawn to the idea, but those who truly take it to heart are children. Children are mostly powerless in the world. Everything around them is adult sized. They generally have no say in where they live or even where they''re going on any given day.
Their life is regimented. No wonder they''re drawn to the fantasy of possessing incredible power under the surface. But if superheroes were simply about power, they wouldn''t speak to kids so strongly. I asked my youngest son, age eleven, what superheroes do. He said, "They stand for justice, they fight evil guys, and sometimes they help with things like natural disasters and do stuff ordinary people can''t do." He didn''t say "they have cool powers" or "they beat up bad guys" or even "they have great adventures." Instead, what he has absorbed most about superheroes is that they stand for what''s right, for justice, for the best parts of humanity. And that''s why superheroes are wonderful role models for children.
Not only do kids learn that they can be powerful and they can make a difference, but they also learn the proper use of that power. Justice is a concept that is so very hard to teach. It''s not quite fairness, as kids learn early that life is not always fair. Rather, justice is about balancing the scales and trying to do the right thing, perhaps even in a bad situation. It''s about being a good moral person. This is why it''s so important for superheroes to be men and women and why it''s also essential for these heroes to come from as many racial and ethnic groups as possible. It''s hard to adopt a superhero as a role model if he or she doesn''t speak to your experience, if the hero doesn''t look or act or come from the same place as you. I was five years old when I first watched the Adam West Batman show in reruns.
Batman was an ironic show that focused mainly on jokes, but it was also about the good guys trying to do the right thing. I laughed and had fun watching it, but I didn''t fall in love with it until the debut of Batgirl, which hit me like a lightning bolt. Meek librarian Barbara Gordon''s wall swiveled to reveal a costume and a motorcycle. In a split second, she was transformed into a hero who could fight the villains just as well--sometimes better--than the male crime fighters. I never, ever wanted so badly to be a superhero as on that day. Over the years, I''ve absorbed other heroes beyond Batman and his supporting cast. Superman, of course, Black Canary, Green Arrow, the Justice League, the Legion of Super-Heroes, Captain America, Iron Man, the Avengers, the X-Men, and the Fantastic Four. I learned values from all their superhero stories.
Values about self-sacrifice, about morality, about the way people should treat each other. The very first issue of the Legion of Super-Heroes that I ever purchased featured a reanimated soldier from the previous war intent on continuing to fight until his side achieved victory. The Legion failed to stop him in a fight and all appeared lost until the heroes looked into the soldier''s background. He had originally died saving his platoon from a grenade. Once they knew this, the Legionnaires stopped the soldier by dressing as his superior officers and telling him he''d done his job well. The strange energy that had animated the soldier faded and he died knowing he''d done his job well and saved his comrades. The Legionnaires had powers, and they were fierce fighters. But they solved the problem with intelligence and compassion instead of battle.
That''s what made them heroes, and that''s the lesson I learned as a child. In a story featuring Batman, the Dark Knight returned to the alley where his parents had been murdered. He had to prevent criminals from menacing an elderly woman who had once comforted the young, orphaned Bruce Wayne on the night his parents were killed. Young Bruce had suffered, but the grown-up Bruce was now a hero who could protect others. As someone who lost her father at a young age, I took to heart the lesson that even someone who suffered a terrible loss could go on to accomplish great things. I also took away a lasting role model for who I wanted to be like: Lois Lane. I couldn''t grow up to be a superhero, but I could do what Lois Lane did. I could be a reporter.
I could fight for truth as much as Superman ever did. I''m not alone. I''ve spoken to many female journalists over the years and a large number point to Lois Lane as their initial inspiration. One of the very best parts of being a mother has been introducing my own children to the superheroes I loved as a child. They have had the same reaction. They love superheroes. As you can see from my son''s quote earlier, they know exactly what superheroes represent: standing up for yourself, might in the service of right, and being good to each other. An episode of Batman: The Brave and the Bold on Cartoon Network portrayed the sacrifice of the Doom Patrol--a band of ostracized loners--for a small number of people they didn''t know.
In one of the most poignant moments of Grant Morrison''s All-Star Superman, Superman prevents a teenage girl from committing suicide. Superman knows he himself is dying from being poisoned by Lex Luthor, but he talks the girl out of jumping off a building, saying there''s always a chance that life will get better. Adults sometimes see superheroes and concentrate on the "super" part. And the costumes and the powers are a lot of fun. But kids know better. They know the "hero" part is far more important. They know that they can''t really be superheroes when they grow up, as much as they wish they could, but they will know how to be a hero. Create Your Own Secret Lair When I was growing up, my favorite places were the hidden ones where I could let my imagination run wild.
It doesn''t take special skill to create one either, just time and an old-fashioned cardboard box. Step 1: Finding the Materials Appropriate-sized cardboard boxes can be found in any number of places, but I''ve found appliance stores are the best sources. A refrigerator box is perfect because it''s the largest and roomiest, but others will do, especially if the children are younger and smaller. Several boxes can even be placed together if the kids want to expand their lair to several "rooms." To decorate the secret lair, I recommend a big box of Crayola crayons. If the cardboard surface has been treated, try colored markers or various types materials * At least one eager child * A large cardboard box * A box of crayons and colored markers * A sharp pair of scissors or a utility knife * Glitter glue (optional) * Stencils (optional) * Items to decorate the interior (highly individual) Step 1: Finding the Materials Appropriate-sized cardboard boxes can be found in any number of places, but I''ve found appliance stores are the best sources. A refrigerator box is perfect because it''s the largest and roomiest, but others will do, especially if the children are younger and smaller. Several boxes can even be placed together if the kids want to expand their lair to several "rooms.
" To decorate the secret lair, I recommend a big box of Crayola crayons. If the cardboard surface has been treated, try colored markers or various types of paint. Watercolors for children will work, but oil-based paints will run less, last longer, and produce more vivid images. Use a pair of scissors or a utility knife to cut the doorways and windows into the cardboard. Please keep these, especially the knife, out of the range of small children. Step 2: Creating the Lair First, consult the future owner of the lair. He or she should set the t.