1. Decentralization and the Social Economics of Development: An Overview of Concepts and Evidence from Kenya, C B Barrett, A G Mude and J M Omiti PART I: SUCCESSES AND FAILURES OF DECENTRALIZATION IN RURAL KENYA 2. A Qualitative Analysis of Success and Failure Factors of Agricultural Cooperatives in Central Kenya, J K Nyoro and I Komo Ngugi, both Egerton University, Kenya 3. Institutional Incompatibility and Deregulation: Explaining the Dismal Performance of Kenya's Coffee Cooperatives, A G Mude 4. Decentralization, Community-Based Organizations and Access to Agricultural Extension Services in Eastern Kenya, G L Mugunieri, Kenya Agricultural Research Inst. (KARI), and J M Omiti 5. Access to and Willingness to Pay for Agricultural Extension in Western Kenya, E Nambiro, University of Bonn, Germany, and J M Omiti 6. Decentralization of Pastoral Resources Management and its Effects on Environmental Degradation and Poverty, Experience from Northern Kenya, K Munyao, World Vision, Canada and C B Barrett PART II: SOCIOECONOMIC AND INSTITUTIONAL PRECONDITIONS FOR SUCCESSFUL DECENTRALIZATION 7.
Linkages Between Community, Environmental, and Conflict Management: Experiences from Northern Kenya, G O Haro, GTZ/GEF Indigenous Vegetation Project, Kenya; G J Doyo, Arid Lands Resources Management Project, Kenya; and J G McPeak, Syracuse University, USA 8. The Unfulfilled Promise of Microfinance in Kenya: The KDA Experience, S M Osterloh, Edgewood College, USA; and C B Barrett 9. The Effects of Farmer Community Group Participation on Rural Livelihoods in Kenya, D M Amudavi, Egerton University and International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), Kenya 10. On Economic Transfers through Social Networks in Kenya's Smallholder Sector, H Hogset, Molde University College, Norway.