''An outstanding introduction to the practical issues that inevitably confront academics engaged in field research outside the United States.''-Kent Worcester, Social Science Research Council ''I cannot imagine a better source of useful ideas and wisdoms for avoiding those problems which can be avoided, and for dealing practically with those which cannot. I will keep a supply of Overseas Research on hand as the perfect gift to aspiring field researchers.''-Michael R. Carter, University of Wisconsin Scholars and students engaged in overseas research projects often spend much of their time worrying about mundane details never reported in published research. In fact, the quality of scholarship often depends on the researcher's ability to navigate a bewildering array of social, financial, bureaucratic, and logistical obstacles encountered in preparing for, working in, and recovering from ''the field.'' Overseas Research: A Practical Guide is the first book designed explicitly to prepare scholars and professionals for the real-life challenges of living and working abroad. Opening with a discussion of site selection and project funding, the authors advise researchers on preparing for departure, setting up residence in the field, conducting research in an unfamiliar environment, employing field assistants, and organizing for and adjusting to the return home.
The text is supplemented with the insights, anecdotes, and tips from more than sixty scholars in a wide variety of disciplines who conducted research in more than forty countries.