WRITING CRITICISM/ HISTORY Jill Johnston: Signaling Through the Flames Working and Dancing: A Response to Monroe Beardsley's "What is Going on in a Dance?" with No�l Carroll Criticism as Ethnography On Your Fingertips: Writing Dance Criticism Power and the Dancing Body THE EURO-AMERICAN AVANT-GARDE Balanchine and Black Dance An Introduction to the Ballet Suedois Soiree de Paris Kasyan Goleizovsky's Ballet Manifests Merce Cunnighams Story Cunnigham and Duchamp with No�l Carroll THE AFRICAN-AMERICAN CONNECTION To the Beat, Y'all: Breaking is Hard to do Breakdancing: A Reporter's Story Lock Steady Critic's Choice: Breakdancing Breaking A House is Not a Home Breaking Changing The Pleasin' in Teasin' The Moscow Charleston: Black Jazz Dancers in the Soviet Union OTHER SUBCERSIONS: POLITICS AND POPULAR DANCE Stepping High: Fred Astaire's Drunk Dances The Men at John Allen's Dance House Red Shoes: The Workers' Dance League of the 1930's POSTMODERN DANCE: FROM THE SIXTIES TO THE NINETIES Judson Rides Again! Choreographic Methods of the Judson Dance Theater Vital Signs: Steve Paxton's Flat in Perspective Meredith Monk and the Making of Chacon: Notes from a Journal Dancing from a Journal Dancing on the Edge "Drive," She Said: The dance of Molissa Fenely Self-Rising Choreography Transparent Living No More Ordinary Bodies Happily Ever After? The Postmodern Fairytale and the New Dance Pointe of Departure Classical Brinksmanship: Karole Armitage and Michael Clark Terpsichore in Sneakers, High heels, Jazz Shoes, and On Pointe: Postmodern Dance Revisited Dancing {with/to/before/on/in/over/after/against/away from/without} the Music: Vicissitudes of Collaboration in American Postmodern Choreography La Onda Pr�xima: Nueva Latina Dance Dance and Spectacle in the United States in the Eighties and Nineties Dancing in Leaner Times Going Solo Notes Index.
Writing Dancing in the Age of Postmodernism