In the first installment of the Christmas North and South series, a transplant surgeon and pediatrician's one night snowballs into a festive fling, and soon they're faced with a choice--will their romance last beyond Christmas? WRAPPED UP.IN EACH OTHER! Transplant surgeon Tamsin is determined nobody will suffer the post-op complications her sister faced. She certainly doesn't have capacity for romance. So, succumbing to passion on a visit to Edinburgh with handsome pediatrician Max is a one-night indulgence. Max has his own reasons for being anticommitment, but when he and Tamsin are thrown back together again temporarily, their snow-melting attraction leads to a whirlwind fling. Only, their feelings are deepening along with their desire. This festive season, will they be brave and embrace the gift in front of them? From Harlequin Medical: Life and love in the world of modern medicine. Christmas North and South Book 1: Festive Fling with the Surgeon by Karin Baine Book 2: A Mistletoe Marriage Reunion by Louisa Heaton Book 3: Melting Dr.
Grumpy's Frozen Heart by Scarlet Wilson Book 4: Neurosurgeon's IVF Mix-Up Miracle by Annie Claydon.