Translator's Introduction: Kenneth Reinhard and Susan Spitzer Introduction: Destinies of Finitude Part 1: 1.Modern Finitude on Trial: René Char 2. The Four Types of Finitude 3. The Localisation of the Infinite in Victor Hugo 4. The Operators of Finitude 5. Impersonality according to Emily Dickinson 6. The Operators of Finitude: 2. Repetition 7.
Paul Celan: the work and the ordeal of masked repetitions 8. The Operators of Finitude: 3. Evil 9. Mandelstam in Voronezh: Make no concession to Evil. Neither plaint nor fear 10. The Operators of Finitude: 4. Necessity and God 11. The Poems of Alberto Caiero.
Bare being. Neither God, nor interpretation, nor necessity 12. The Operators of Finitude. 5.Death 13. A Poem by Brecht. The unknown: death and identity, or life and universality Part II. 14.
Modernity of Finitude: covering 15. Phenomenology of Covering 16. Uncovering of the Covering of an Infinite 17. Ontology of Covering 18. Formal Presentation of the Constructible Universe 19. A Crucial Choice: Constructible or Generic 20. Gödel or Cohen Part III. 21.
The Four Modes of Access to the Infinite 22. Inaccessible Infinites 23.The Matheme of the Inaccessible 24. Infinites of Resistance to Division 25. Matheme of Partitions: Compact and Ramsey Infinites 26. The Infinite by Immanent Magnitude of its Parts Part IV: 27. On What Conditions Can Classes Express the Absolute Location? 28. Technical Conditions for Classes to Resemble V 29.
Closer and Closer to the Absolute? 30. Elementary Embedding, Critical Point, Complete Cardinal 31. Explicit Relation between the Absolute Location and one of its Immanent Attributes 32. Construction of an Internal Model of V by Ultrapower Part V: 33. Limits of modern finitude under the condition of an infinite. Scott's Theorem. 34. Infinites in the finite, infinites outside any finite.
Demonstration of Scott's theorem. 35. Ontological conditions of any creative initiative. Jensen's Theorem. 36. Jensen's Theorem. Apparent simplicity and real confusion of finitude Part VI: 37. The Hierarchy of Infinites 38.
Differences, Orders and Limits in the Realm of Infinites 39. End Without End 40. Kunen's Theorem, and Beyond Part VII: 41. General Theory of Works-in-truth 42. Plato, Descartes, Hegel 43. Power of the Form: The Arts 44. Can the Arts be Classified?: Hegel and the Cinema 45. Power of the Letter: the Sciences 46.
Husserl: "Our Mother the Earth is Immobile" Part VIII: 47. The Scene of the Two 48. Kierkegaard, Auguste Comte, Régine, and Clotilde de Vaux 49. The Two Ways, The Two Classes, and The Two Lines 50. For A Cultural Revolution of Politics General Conclusion: Immanent Infinity of True Life.