"This is a very timely book that will repay careful reading, and help to develop insurance companies' and model designers' thinking in the run-up to the implementation of Solvency II. Many tricky topics are covered in a helpful and clear way, which can only improve the quality of communication between the actuarial and accounting professions." Kathryn Morgan, Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries "Malcolm Kemp has done a great job - he has put together views from different perspectives, in an excellent and comprehensive way. This book provides big and important support for actuarial practitioners, and certainly for other mathematical professions as well." Christoph Krischanitz, President of the Actuarial Association of Austria and Chairman of WG "Market Consistency" Groupe Consultatif Actuariel Europeen "This is a timely and learned book on a highly topical subject and contains many valuable insights. The scope is wide-ranging, providing an overarching framework for the 'principles and practices of market consistency' and showing clearly how different elements of financial practice fit together within this framework. There is recognition that markets rarely exhibit all the qualities needed to make the application of market consistency straightforward and clear guidance on how to combine market information with reasoned judgement. This book should make a significant contribution to the debate on the use of market consistency and to improving the quality of market consistent valuations derived in practice.
" Colin Wilson, Head of Investment & Risk, Government Actuary's Department "The financial world more than ever needs clarity of communication in setting business strategy, enterprise risk management, regulatory supervision and more generally in providing advice to Board Directors and senior management. Through Market Consistency Malcolm Kemp has brought together great clarity in developing a rigorous framework of well-defined terms, concepts and principles. The book is structured to be of value to practitioners in advanced finance as well as financial practitioners who are less mathematically inclined. Large parts of the book should be essential reading for Board Directors responsible for their organisation's enterprise risk management, and equally for financial practitioners advising those Directors." Tony Hewitt, Programme Director, MSc Actuarial Finance, Imperial College Business School "The recent liquidity crisis has led many to call into question market consistent methods. In this comprehensive and accessible account the author successfully addresses the challenges posed to both the theoretical justification for and practical application of such approaches across a range of disciplines . " Paul Fulcher, Managing Director, Risk Advisory, UBS Investment Bank.