Everyday Traditions : Simple Family Rituals for Connection and Comfort
Everyday Traditions : Simple Family Rituals for Connection and Comfort
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Author(s): Atlas, Nava
ISBN No.: 9780963024374
Pages: 176
Year: 200609
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 26.15
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

In these fast-paced times, many parents hunger for meaningful traditions to pass along to their children-simple ways to embellish daily routines, create unique celebrations, and encourage fun activities that reflect our values and passions. Join Nava Atlas who, along with the many women who contributed personal stories, explores how to weave comforting rituals into busy family life. Lushly illustrated and containing scores of inspiring ideas, this book also contains pages for the reader to record and develop their own favorite family traditions.

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