This book is essential reading for all those concerned about the state of social class in Britain. It builds on the work of Pierre Bourdieu to paint a nuanced and sophisticated picture of class in the new millennium. Richly theorised and beautifully written, it combines intensive ethnographic analyses with powerful conceptual insights which deepen and enrich readers' understandings of class structure, effects and place in the UK today. Diane Reay, Professor of Education at Cambridge University, UK. The vision of class captured by Will Atkinson in this book advances in an essential way our understanding of how everyday life is constituted of multidimensional structures of differentiation. The significance and interrelation of national, local and domestic spaces are presented via attentive exploration of rich data from the Ordinary Lives Project. The wealth of skilfully produced empirical material is particularly well used in the attention to the subtle drama about possible futures entailed in expectations of class mobility. Elizabeth B.
Silva, Professor of Sociology, The Open University, UK Based on extensive and finely analysed evidence, Atkinson takes a further impressive step in consolidating his distinctive sociological interpretation of the effects of class on the reproduction of British culture. Alan Warde, Professor of Sociology, School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester, UK En définitive, Class in the new millenium est un ouvrage riche et engageant qui offre une cartographie détaillée de la société britannique, tant à l'échelle nationale que locale. Adrien Quièvre, « Will Atkinson, Class in the New Millenium », Lectures [En ligneattention to the subtle drama about possible futures entailed in expectations of class mobility. Elizabeth B. Silva, Professor of Sociology, The Open University, UK Based on extensive and finely analysed evidence, Atkinson takes a further impressive step in consolidating his distinctive sociological interpretation of the effects of class on the reproduction of British culture. Alan Warde, Professor of Sociology, School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester, UK En définitive, Class in the new millenium est un ouvrage riche et engageant qui offre une cartographie détaillée de la société britannique, tant à l'échelle nationale que locale. Adrien Quièvre, « Will Atkinson, Class in the New Millenium », Lectures [En ligne], Les comptes rendus, 2018, mis en ligne le 13 mars 2018, consulté le 14 mars 2018. URL : http://journals.