Robert (Bob) Atkins is an assistant professor at Rutgers University College of Nursing and a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Nurse Faculty Scholar. Professor Atkins decided to pursue nursing after earning a degree in political science and American civilizations from Brown University. In 1995 he earned a Bachelor of Science of Nursing at the University of Pennsylvania and began working as a school nurse in Camden, NJ. While working as a school nurse Professor Atkins earned a Master of Science in Nursing at Rutgers University and became a pediatric nurse practitioner. Upon completing that degree, he began conducting research on the factors that influence the health and well-being of children and started his doctoral studies at Temple University. In 2004 Professor Atkins completed a PhD in the Department of Public Health at Temple University. Dr. Atkins is the co-founder and president of the Camden STARR Program, a community-based, non-profit youth development program which seeks to improve the life chances of children and adolescents living in Camden.
Getting the Most from Nursing School: a Guide to Becoming a Nurse