The following story, formerly titled The One For Me, is from Leonard Peterson's point of view. The reason for the title change is because each character at some point in the story has quite simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Plus, I was never happy with The One For Me title. It had nothing to do with the storyline and it just didn't look right.We've all had our bad days at work. Leonard Peterson, 33, has just endured one of the worst days at work in a very long time, with one bad thing after the other happening unexpectedly, to his increasing frustration. He's completely unaware that his day is about to get a whole lot worse, owing to the fact that he soon will plainly and simply be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and all because of a choice he made to head home by alternative means for a change, a choice he will regret. Had he simply accepted a lift home from work by a close friend and colleague, his life wouldn't have been completely changed, and not for the better.
Wrong Place, Wrong Time - Leonard Peterson POV : Book Number 1 Of 2