Conditions in Occupational Therapy focuses on chronic health problems and their impact on an individual's physical, cognitive, psychological, and social capabilities. Readers learn how the patient's age, life tasks, and living environment affect occupational therapy needs, and how to determine what occupational therapy services to provide. Chapters present the etiology, symptoms, prognosis, and progression of conditions frequently encountered in practice. Case studies at the end of every chapter help students apply the content to real-life clinical situations. This edition includes new chapters on vision disorders, muscular dystrophy, infectious diseases, and developmental trauma disorder. The expanded art program includes more photos, drawings, charts, and graphs. Features: - NEW! Chapters Vision Disorders, Muscular Dystrophy, Infectious Diseases, and Developmental Trauma Disorder - Discusses conditions in an accessible way for Occupational Therapy students without getting into treatment plans. - Numerous pedagogical features including chapter outlines, special boxes, tables and displays, study questions, and suggested readings - Case studies at the end of every chapter help students apply the content to clinical situations for real life application.
- Contributions from leading experts in the field - Updated language to match the new standard language set by the AOTA The Language of the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework is woven into the presentation of each condition.