Urban Flood Management
Urban Flood Management
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Author(s): Ashley, Richard
Cashman, Adrian
Garvin, Stephen
ISBN No.: 9780415559447
Pages: 340
Year: 201009
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 179.40
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

I SETTING UP THE FRAMEWORK 1 Setting the stage for Integrated Urban Flood Management 1.1 Why are cities special cases? 1.2 The city as a living organism 1.3 Vulnerability of urban areas: a rough guide 1.4 Dealing with uncertainty 1.5 Adoption of a system approach 2 Urban floods 2.1 The influence of climate and other factors 2.2 Types of flooding 2.

3 Pitfalls in using the historical record II DRIVERS FOR CHANGE 3 Urbanisation 3.1 Principles of land-use planning 3.2 Urban typologies: from central square to edge city 3.3 Growing and shrinking: density issues induced by globalisation 3.4 Megacities in the delta 4 Climate change: key uncertainties and robust findings 4.1 A review of the past 4.2 Signs of change 4.3 Expected consequences III URBAN FLOOD RISK 5 Hydrology of cities 5.

1 The hydrological cycle 5.2 Land use and runoff 5.3 Modelling surface runoff 5.4 Modelling pluvial flooding 5.5 Modelling coastal flooding 6 Urban flood-risk assessment 6.1 Introduction to the theory of risk 6.2 Quantifying flood probability 6.3 Tangible and intangible damages 6.

4 Loss of life estimation in flood-risk assessment 6.5 Cross-scale factors and indirect damages 6.6 Flood-risk mapping IV RESPONSES 7 Responding to flood risk 7.1 Responses 7.2 Performance standards and expectations 7.3 Resilience, vulnerability, robustness and sustainability 7.4 Precautionary and adaptive responses 7.5 Confronting flood management with land-use planning: lessons learnt 7.

6 Building types, infrastructure and public open spaces 8 Urban drainage systems 8.1 A historical perspective 8.2 Major and minor flows 8.3 SUDS/LIDS 8.4 Practices in water sensitive urban design 9 Flood proofing the urban fabric 9.1 Managing flooding through site design: basic principles 9.2 Managing flooding through detailed design (individual properties/buildings) 9.3 Flood resilient repair and retrofitting 9.

4 Urban flood defences and barriers 10 Enhancing coping and recovery capacity 10.1 Flood forecasting warning and response 10.2 Emergency planning, management and evacuation 10.3 Compensation and flood insurance V TOWARDS FLOOD RESILIENT CITIES 11 Managing for resiliency 11.1 Asset management, some basic principles 11.2 Assessing resilience in flood-risk management 11.3 Transitioning from entrapment to resilience approaches 12 Capacity building and governance 12.1 Risk perception, acceptance and communication 12.

2 Adaptive capacity 12.3 Characteristics of effective learning initiatives 13 Shelter for all 13.1 What does the future hold? 13.2 Turning ideas into action 13.3 Success stories: seizing windows of opportunity References; Glossary; Abbreviations; Subject Index ;Growing and shrinking: density issues induced by globalisation 3.4 Megacities in the delta 4 Climate change: key uncertainties and robust findings 4.1 A review of the past 4.2 Signs of change 4.

3 Expected consequences III URBAN FLOOD RISK 5 Hydrology of cities 5.1 The hydrological cycle 5.2 Land use and runoff 5.3 Modelling surface runoff 5.4 Modelling pluvial flooding 5.5 Modelling coastal flooding 6 Urban flood-risk assessment 6.1 Introduction to the theory of risk 6.2 Quantifying flood probability 6.

3 Tangible and intangible damages 6.4 Loss of life estimation in flood-risk assessment 6.5 Cross-scale factors and indirect damages 6.6 Flood-risk mapping IV RESPONSES 7 Responding to flood risk 7.1 Responses 7.2 Performance standards and expectations 7.3 Resilience, vulnerability, robustness and sustainability 7.4 Precautionary and adaptive responses 7.

5 Confronting flood management with land-use planning: lessons learnt 7.6 Building types, infrastructure and public open spaces 8 Urban drainage systems 8.1 A historical perspective 8.2 Major and minor flows 8.3 SUDS/LIDS 8.4 Practices in water sensitive urban design 9 Flood proofing the urban fabric 9.1 Managing flooding through site design: basic principles 9.2 Managing flooding through detailed design (individual properties/buildings) 9.

3 Flood resilient repair and retrofitting 9.4 Urban flood defences and barriers 10 Enhancing coping and recovery capacity 10.1 Flood forecasting warning and response 10.2 Emergency planning, management and evacuation 10.3 Compensation and flood insurance V TOWARDS FLOOD RESILIENT CITIES 11 Managing for resiliency 11.1 Asset management, some basic principles 11.2 Assessing resilience in flood-risk management 11.3 Transitioning from entrapment to resilience approaches 12 Capacity building and governance 12.

1 Risk perception, acceptance and communication 12.2 Adaptive capacity 12.3 Characteristics of effective learning initiatives 13 Shelter for all 13.1 What does the future hold? 13.2 Turning ideas into action 13.3 Success stories: seizing windows of opportunity References; Glossary; Abbreviations; Subject Index 6.4 Loss of life estimation in flood-risk assessment 6.5 Cross-scale factors and indirect damages 6.

6 Flood-risk mapping IV RESPONSES 7 Responding to flood risk 7.1 Responses 7.2 Performance standards and expectations 7.3 Resilience, vulnerability, robustness and sustainability 7.4 Precautionary and adaptive responses 7.5 Confronting flood management with land-use planning: lessons learnt 7.6 Building types, infrastructure and public open spaces 8 Urban drainage systems 8.1 A historical perspective 8.

2 Major and minor flows 8.3 SUDS/LIDS 8.4 Practices in water sensitive urban design 9 Flood proofing the urban fabric 9.1 Managing flooding through site design: basic principles 9.2 Managing flooding through detailed design (individual properties/buildings) 9.3 Flood resilient repair and retrofitting 9.4 Urban flood defences and barriers 10 Enhancing coping and recovery capacity 10.1 Flood forecasting warning and response 10.

2 Emergency planning, management and evacuation 10.3 Compensation and flood insurance V TOWARDS FLOOD RESILIENT CITIES 11 Managing for resiliency 11.1 Asset management, some basic principles 11.2 Assessing resilience in flood-risk management 11.3 Transitioning from entrapment to resilience approaches 12 Capacity building and governance 12.1 Risk perception, acceptance and communication 12.2 Adaptive capacity 12.3 Characteristics of effective learning initiatives 13 Shelter for all 13.

1 What does the future hold? 13.2 Turning ideas into action 13.3 Success stories: seizing windows of opportunity References; Glossary; Abbreviations; Subject Index ;lt;BR>9 Flood proofing the urban fabric 9.1 Managing flooding through site design: basic principles 9.2 Managing flooding through detailed design (individual properties/buildings) 9.3 Flood resilient repair and retrofitting 9.4 Urban flood defences and barriers 10 Enhancing coping and recovery capacity 10.1 Flood forecasting warning and response 10.

2 Emergency planning, management and evacuation 10.3 Compensation and flood insurance V TOWARDS FLOOD RESILIENT CITIES 11 Managing for resiliency 11.1 Asset management, some basic principles 11.2 Assessing resilience in flood-risk management 11.3 Transitioning from entrapment to resilience approaches 12 Capacity building and governance 12.1 Risk perception, acceptance and communication 12.2 Adaptive capacity 12.3 Characteristics of effective learning initiatives 13 Shelter for all 13.

1 What does the future hold? 13.2 Turning ideas into action 13.3 Success stories: seizing windows of opportunity References; Glossary; Abbreviations; Subject Index ansitioning from entrapment to resilience approaches 12 Capacity building and governance 12.1 Risk perception, acceptance and communication 12.2 Adaptiv.

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