Introduction 1. The Beauvais Collapse and Thirteenth Century Art François Bucher , SUNY Binghamton 2. The Collapse of 1284 at Beauvais Cathedral Stephan Murray , Indiana University 3. A model Investigation of the Collapse of 1284 as Beauvais Cathedral Robert Mark , University of Chicago 4. Rule by One Man and its Rewards: Aquinas' De Regno I,2 and I,8 to 11 Clyde Lee Miller , SUNY Stonybrook 5. The Role of the Courts and the Thirteenth Century Portuguese Lyric Kathleen Ashley , SUNY Binghamton 6. Country Matter and Courtly Eyes: Two Thirteenth Century Middle English Debate Poems David Lampe , State University College at Buffalo 7. Roman Art in the Late Thirteenth Century: The Civic Context of Papal and Courtly Patronage Harry M.
Dixon II , SUNY Oneonta.