The Dogs of Mexico isn't your typical thriller with a conventionally heroic good guy, but rather a dark, cautionary tale that illustrates how even the most well-intentioned among us can be derailed by circumstances and unfortunate choices made under duress, driven into a spiral of self-destruction with little chance of recovery.". Robert Bohnert is a former CIA agent who spenttime in a mental institution and can't get over the death of his young son. A former colleague offers him a freelance assignment: travel to Mexico and pick up some stolen diamonds. Nothing goes as planned, and Bohnert finds himself first losing track of the canister and then on the run along with the girlfriend of one of the men who's pursuing him.The questions become will they make it out of Mexico alive, and does the package really contain diamonds?. readers not as into thrillers may nevertheless be inclined to kill a few hours enjoying the suspense and human drama." - Publishers Weekly.
The Dogs of Mexico