1. Child Development Worldwide: Who, How, and Why 1.1 A Worldwide Profile of Humanity Today 1.2 Humans: The Cultural and Global Species 1.3 The Field of Child Development: Emergence and Expansion 1.4 How We Study Child Development 1.5 Why We Study Child Development Worldwide CULTURAL FOCUS: Niger and the Netherlands: An Up-Close Look at the Demographic Divide EDUCATION FOCUS: Falling Behind? College Graduation in the United States RESEARCH FOCUS: Darwin''s Diary: A Case Study 2. Genetics and Prenatal Development 2.
1 Genetic Basics 2.2 Genes and the Environment 2.3 Genes and Individual Development 2.4 Prenatal Development 2.5 Prenatal Brain Development 2.6 Prenatal Care 2.7 Pregnancy Problems CULTURAL FOCUS: Pregnancy and Prenatal Care Across Cultures EDUCATION FOCUS: Biology, Sexism, and Educational Exclusion RESEARCH FOCUS: Adopted Twin Studies: The Story of Oskar and Jack 3. Birth and the Newborn Child 3.
1 The Stages of Birth 3.2 Birth Across Times and Places 3.3 The Neonate''s Health 3.4 The Neonate''s Physical and Perceptual Functioning 3.5 Caring for the Neonate: Is Breast Best? 3.6 Social and Emotional Aspects of Care for the Neonate and Mother CULTURAL FOCUS: Breast-Feeding Practices Across Cultures EDUCATION FOCUS: Getting a Better Start in Life: Improving the First Learning Environment RESEARCH FOCUS: Breast-Feeding Benefits: Separating Correlation and Causation 4. Physical Development and Health 4.1 Bodily Growth and Change 4.
2 Motor Development and Physical Functioning 4.3 Health and Sleep 4.4 Health and Nutrition 4.5 Preventing Mortality: Diseases and Injuries CULTURAL FOCUS: Is Contemporary American Culture Setting off a Genetic Tripwire for Obesity? EDUCATION FOCUS: Physical Education: A Brain Tonic for Children RESEARCH FOCUS: Graduated Driver Licensing 5. Cognition: Stages, Processes, and Social Learning 5.1 Piaget''s Theory of Cognitive Development 5.2 Post-Piagetian Approaches to Cognitive Development 5.3 Information-Processing Approaches 5.
4 Social Cognition 5.5 Sociocultural Theories of Cognitive Development CULTURAL FOCUS: Object Permanence Across Cultures EDUCATION FOCUS: Bringing Theories of Cognitive Development into the Classroom RESEARCH FOCUS: Spontaneous Response Tasks and Theory of Mind 6. Learning Languages 6.1 Languages in Today''s World 6.2 Evolutionary and Biological Bases of Language 6.3 Theories of Language Development 6.4 First Sounds and Words 6.5 From First Words to Cultural Competence 6.
6 Multilingualism CULTURAL FOCUS: Cultural Views on Speaking to Infants and Toddlers EDUCATION FOCUS: Early Multilingual Education Across Contexts RESEARCH FOCUS: Observing Everyday Storytelling 7. Emotions, Self, and Identity 7.1 Temperament: Individual Differences in Emotion and Self-Regulation 7.2 Emotions 7.3 Self-Conceptualization 7.4 Self-Esteem 7.5 Identity CULTURAL FOCUS: The Features of Emerging Adulthood EDUCATION FOCUS: Praise, Motivation, and Academic Achievement RESEARCH FOCUS: Measuring Temperament 8. Gender: Biology, Socialization, and Cultural Change 8.
1 Development of a Gendered Self 8.2 Gender in Traditional Cultures 8.3 Gender Comparisons in Developed Countries 8.4 Reasons for Gender Differences: Theories and Research 8.5 Beyond the Binary 8.6 Globalization and the Future of Gender CULTURAL FOCUS: Gender Among Latinas EDUCATION FOCUS: Gender in the Preschool and Primary School Classroom RESEARCH FOCUS: Meta-Analyses of Gender Differences 9. Family Relationships: Foundations and Variations 9.1 The First Social Relationship: Two Theories 9.
2 Attachment to Parents 9.3 The Parent-Child Relationship 9.4 Problems in the Parent-Child Relationship 9.5 Siblings and Grandparents 9.6 Changing Families CULTURAL FOCUS: Stranger Anxiety Across Cultures EDUCATION FOCUS: Enhancing Attachment in Child Welfare Institutions RESEARCH FOCUS: Early Child Care and Its Consequences 10. Peers, Friends, and Romantic Partners 10.1 Social Contexts Beyond the Family: Two Theories 10.2 Play with Peers and Friends 10.
3 Peers 10.4 Friends 10.5 Problem Behaviors Among Friends 10.6 Romantic Partners CULTURAL FOCUS: Friendship and Play in Middle Childhood Across Cultures EDUCATION FOCUS: School Intervention Programs for Rejected Children RESEARCH FOCUS: Shyness in China and Canada: Cultural Interpretations 11. School and Work: Developing Cultural Skills 11.1 Preschool 11.2 From Primary Education to Tertiary Education 11.3 School and Other Contexts 11.
4 Intelligence Tests and School Readiness 11.5 Work CULTURAL FOCUS: Primary School Across Cultures EDUCATION FOCUS: School Climate RESEARCH FOCUS: The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children: Creating a Measurement 12. Media: Uses, Risks, and Benefits 12.1 Media Prevalence 12.2 Media and Other Contexts of Socialization 12.3 Theories of Media Influence 12.4 Uses of Media 12.5 Risks of Media 12.
6 Benefits of Media 12.7 Globalization and Media CULTURAL FOCUS: "Teenagers" in Kathmandu, Nepal EDUCATION FOCUS: Panwapa: An International Multimedia Educational Program RESEARCH FOCUS: Ethiopian Children Receive Laptops 13. Meaning Systems: Moral, Religious, and Civic Development 13.1 Moral Development: Emotions and Socialization 13.2 Moral Development: Reasoning and Identity 13.3 Religious and Spiritual Development 13.4 Civic Development 13.5 Political Conflict and Extremism 13.
6 Values in Today''s and Tomorrow''s World CULTURAL FOCUS: Religion in the Lives of African American Adolescents EDUCATION FOCUS: Schools as Civic Institutions RESEARCH FOCUS: Beyond Deficiency: Civic Development in Immigrant Youth.