Extra Learning : Out of School Learning and Study Support in Practice
Extra Learning : Out of School Learning and Study Support in Practice
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Author(s): Andrews, Kay
Andrews, Kay, Kay
ISBN No.: 9780749433437
Pages: 270
Year: 200106
Format: UK-B Format Paperback (Trade Paper)
Price: $ 76.64
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available (On Demand)

Out of school learning, study support, extra-curricular activities. Only ten years ago out of school hours learning (OSHL) activities were viewed as peripheral to the "real" business of schools. Now study support is an integral part of schooling and learning, widely supported by policy and, in the case of the UK, real money.Kay Andrews is the Director of Extra Education, the UK foundation for after-school activities. This book describes why out of school learning is essential in helping to develop learning, and how to go about establishing and supporting effective programs and activities outside of the traditional boundaries of the school curriculum. It provides practical codes and guidelines for schools, school and community leaders and all those with an interest in learning today, backed up by a wealth of cases and the experience of Education Extra. With authority and conviction, Extra Education shows how to develop and provide new opportunities for learning which will be sustained by the enjoyment and enthusiasm of teachers and students alike.

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