The telephone call from Eugene Benton's sister, Mary, announcing the murder of her daughter at the high school, signals his emersion into a world he never knew; the cyber world of chat rooms, half truths, and bullying. From her ComRoom, Mary scans and parses the news tapes of the slaughter, and discovers people and activity that are out of order. She continues to dig, study, and uncover more sinister connections as the murders occur in small towns throughout the country. Mary introduces Gene to her best friend, Karen Leach, who joins the investigative team of two. Mary dies mysteriously and Karen moves into Gene's life. The nation is in the midst of virulent political activity. Grass roots conservatism supported by a wildly disparate group of intellectuals and thought leaders washes across the land under the banner of S.A.
F.E. (Secure American For Everyone). A massive Middle East war machine creates a much larger target for the energies of the citizenry. War and oil divert the attention of\millions. Children-on-children slaughters occur with greater frequency and virulence. The paranoia that permeates the country engulfs Gene and Karen. They are being watched, or are they.
Are they safe?.