Katherine E Anderson is the author of the 'This is Where I Used to Live' series, which can be found on Amazon, CreateSpace and Lulu.com. This is Where I Used to Live: A Poetic Memoir is the first in a series of recollections and memories in prose and poetry form. It is the author's first published work.Katherine is a Class of 2012 graduate and recipient of a 2011-2012 Scholastic Gold Key award for her piece, Look at Me Now. She is currently enrolled in Community College, earning her AAS in Multimedia Graphic Design. Katherine is an Aquarius in the early part of the sign and was born during the Chinese Year of the Dog. She is NOT a natural ginger, but no one really remembers her natural colour except her mother, and even she's not telling.
Katherine is a survivor of sexual abuse, an advocate for LGBT and Women's Rights, a supporter of the Harry Potter Alliance, Planned Parenthood and a registered independent voter.