1. What Do Marketing Executives Do? (Byron Sharp)Marketing may be well paid and exciting . but someone has to do itThe rise of marketingTwo types of marketing professionalMarketing scienceMarketing metrics and market-based assetsCustomer needs and wantsSustainable marketing2. Consumer Behaviour and Business Buyer Behaviour (Byron Sharp)Knowledge is powerMost buying is repeat-buyingHigh-involvement decisionsNatural loyaltyLoyal switchersProsaic, not passionate, loyaltyThe importance of memoryWhy do consumers forget about us?Emotional rational buyersConsumer motivationsHeterogeneous consumersDo our buyers like us?3. Meaningful Marketing Metrics (Byron Sharp)Why marketers need metricsA system of marketing metricsFinancial metricsBehavioural metricsMemory metricsCustom profile metricsMarketing activity metricsPhysical availability metricsLooks can be deceiving4. Market Research (Anne Sharp & Katherine Anderson)The central role of market researchEmergence of the market research industryJobs in market researchCommissioning research--the briefKey stages of the research processSecondary data and knowledge of buyer behaviourQualitative and quantitative dataSamplingResearch designUnderstanding analysisA well-written research report5. The Marketing Environment (Adrian Palmer, adapted by Larry Lockshin)The marketing environmentThe micro-environmentThe macro-environmentInternal environmentMonitoring and responding to environmental change6. Customer Segmentation and Targeting (Byron Sharp & Rachel Kennedy)Segmentation-based targetingWho really is your target?The logic and appeal of narrow targetingBrand user profiles seldom differTargeting the whole market with product variantsSegmentation does not necessarily maximise returnsTalking to everyone is possibleDatabase-driven targeting: A common trapSmart targeting in practice7.
Product (Goods and Services) (David Corkindale)What comprises a product?Product categoriesDeveloping and marketing new productsProduct category life cycle (PLC)Marketing services8. Physical Availability, Retailing and Shopping (Byron Sharp & Herb Sorenson)RetailingHow stores competeEmpirical laws of shoppingThe future of retailing9. Pricing and Discounting (Dag Bennett & John Scriven)Setting prices in an imperfect worldStarting at the floor: The cost baseCost-based pricingRevenue and profitMarket-based pricingValue-based pricingThe reality of setting prices10. Advertising (Rachel Kennedy & Byron Sharp)Please consider our brand!The advertising businessWhat can advertising do?Briefing to get great advertisingWhat great ads look likeAdvertising research11. Media Decisions: Reaching Buyers with Advertising (Byron Sharp & Erica Riebe)Commercial mediaThe media industryThe media planning processMedia characteristicsPutting a mix together: Integrated marketing communicationsDeveloping the media schedule Media data, tools and campaign evaluation12. Strategic Marketing and Planning (Adrian Palmer, adapted by Larry Lockshin)Managing the marketing effortThe marketing management processStrategic, tactical and contingency planningOrganising the marketing management functionIntegrating marketing management with other management functionsMarketing management and smaller businessesAre entrepreneurs born or bred?Managing information13. Global Marketing (Tiffany Winchester & Maxwell Winchester)Growth of global marketing Differences from domestic marketing Standardisation or localisation? Global marketing environment 14. Social Responsiblity and Ethics (Anita Peleg & Charles Graham)Who needs ethics? A delicate balance of responsibilities and benefitsTheories of ethicsEthical marketing in practiceSustainable marketing.