INTRODUCTION Equity and Excellence in Educational Leadership - M M McCarthy and L Dean Webb A Necessary Nexus PART ONE: LEADERSHIP AND EQUITY Introduction - James E Anderson Lessons from the Past and Directions for the Future Equity and the Educational Practitioner - Barbra Sizemore Facilitating Equity Through the School Superintendency - Jerome Harris and Mae A Kendall The Quest for Equity - Hugh Scott Imperatives for Administrators in Higher Education PART TWO: EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENTS THAT PROMOTE EQUITY Introduction - Judith Walker de Felix Research on Equity in Learning Environments Productivity and Equity - Herbert J Walberg Compassion and Equity - Henry T Trueba Culture and English Literacy for Linguistic Minority Children Classroom Language Use for Educational Equity Toward Interactive Pedagogy - Christian Faltis PART THREE: INSTRUCTION THAT ENHANCES EQUITY Introduction - Hersholt C Waxman Classroom Instruction that Enhances Equity Programs that Promote Educational Equity - Margaret Wang Instructional Organizational Practices that Affect Equity - Adam Gamoran Linguistic and Cultural Influences on Classroom Instruction - Yolanda Padron and Stephanie L Knight Teacher Effectiveness Research and Equity Issues - Jane A Stallings and Jane McCarthy PART FOUR: EDUCATIONAL PREPARATION FOR EQUITY Introduction - H Prentice Baptiste Jr The Challenge of Preparing for Equity Administrative Preparation for Equity - Charol Shakeshaft Teacher Preparation for Equity - Geneva Gay Teacher Education that Enhances Equity - James B Boyer Educating Society for Equity - Carlos CortÉs.
Leadership, Equity, and School Effectiveness