We : A Manifesto for Women Everywhere
We : A Manifesto for Women Everywhere
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Author(s): Anderson, Gillian
ISBN No.: 9780008147938
Pages: 352
Year: 201703
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 29.11
Status: Out Of Print

Imagine a sisterhood - across all creeds and cultures. An unspoken agreement that we, as women, will support and encourage one another. That we will remember we don't know what struggles each of us may be facing elsewhere in our lives and so we will assume that each of us is doing our best. So begins WE: an inspiring, empowering and provocative manifesto for change. Change which we can all effect, one woman at a time. Change which provides a crucial and timely antidote to the 'have-it-all' Superwoman culture and instead focusses on what will make each and every one of us happier and more free. Change which provides an answer to the nagging sense of 'is that it?' that almost all of us can succumb to when we wake in the dead of night. Written by actress Gillian Anderson and journalist Jennifer Nadel - two friends who for the last decade have stumbled along together, learning, failing, crying, laughing and trying again - WE is a not a theoretical treatise but instead a rallying cry to create a life that has greater meaning and purpose.

Combining tools which are practical, psychological and spiritual, it is both a process and a vision for a more fulfilling way of living. And a truly inspiring vision of a happier, more emotionally rewarding future we can all create together. Gold title An inspirational and practical book for women who want to change their lives and find inner freedom: WE uses ideas and principles that have been taught by sages, saints, and accomplished people through the ages. It combines practical, psychological, and spiritual tools to create a personalized guide to finding a path into yourself and outward into the world. Gillian Anderson and Jennifer Nadel are a powerful duo to bring this message to the world: These two friends have supported each other and learned together over the years. Theirs is an inspiring, heartwarming story of female friendship. Incredibly connected and promotable, together they are a force with pull in the entertainment and political world and the world at large. A global publishing event: We are publishing simultaneously with Simon &Schuster.

US/Atria who brought Rhonda Byrne's The Secret to the world. Will be published on March 8, 2016, to coincide with International Women's Day Part of a multimedia project with an app, online community, and documentary (to be released at the same time as the book): Also, a foundation will be set up to channel profits from the book to support the causes it espouses. WE will appeal to readers of Arianna Huffington and Sheryl Sandberg; and Lena Dunham and #GIRLBOSS: Although the book is not Thrive or Lean In in content (more Lean Out), it is likely to attract many readers of Huffington and Sandberg who wondered why these books left them feeling worse about their lives rather than better. WE should appeal to women who enjoyed books like Caitlin Moran's How To Be a Woman but want more - a book that helps apply positive change to one's own life, on a practical level. Ultimately, WE is aimed at any woman who would like to find a saner, happier and more fulfilling way to live.

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